How do i connect to internet


Feb 26, 2011
Hi all. i just got my google android mid 70003 7" tablet.

Is there a gadget that i can use to get on the internet with without connecting to
my desktop computer....what if i am not home or traveling how would i geton..and
i don't mean using wi-fi..That a whole other story..I am not good at these new things
i am 71 years old...but i have been computting for 25 years...i know quite a bit..
but these laptops and ipads and tablets have got me stomped a little..
Please help me...

P.S...And the instructions that came with mine are not to cool either..(Smile)

Thanks All
first can you connect using wifi. if so then its a matter of downloading an app that lists free wifi sites. generally most mcdonalds provide free wifi.