How do I get .wmv files to run?


Jun 1, 2011
When someone sends me an email with a .wmv file attached my tablet will not run the file. It says it does not know or play .wmv files. This can't be right is it? Do you have to have a special app for this?


Just went to the app store. Looks like a large number of choices. Which is the best one?
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Best is hard to determine.
Try the free ones first. There is no reason you can't try 6 or 7.
I use Mobo player. Seems to work fine. I also use Buzz player (paid). Between the two of them there is not much I can't play.
I could never get good results with Mobo and some formats and eventually just gave up on the app altogether (this was a long time ago too).
I use Buzz Player and know for sure that it can play wmv. Buzz is paid for though, so try it and refund it if not good enough.

Iconia users all report Mono and Buzz as the best players though. I guess it just depends on what you are trying to play though, because one player may not play a certain type well or at all, while the other can. Oh, of course, it also depends on if you want a free or paid app too.

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