How do I view HTML files from local storage?


Dec 11, 2010
I would like to be able to view .html files that are stored on local storage. I can open them in view mode within an android html editor, but I would rather tap on them in a file manager and have them open in Dolphin or even the default web browser. Is this possible?

I am using a rooted Acer Iconia, so its OS is Honeycomb.

Use a file explorer, find the file, then open. For example, mine is file://sdcard/html/links.html
Html is a directory on the sdcard.

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I created a directory under sdcard named Html. I then created a html file named links.html.

Next i opened the browser. In the URL I typed
and it opened. What are you runing?

I am running Cm 7 nightly build on a Viewsonic Gtablet.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
For this purpose, you can't beat Opera mobile. It's the only browser I've found that is able to open pages with a named tag (i.e.: file://sdcard/foo/bar.html#tagname).

There is no uniform way to couple html files to a browser BTW. If your file explorer is able to make the connection html <-> browser, that is a feature of that specific file explorer.
I tried opening a local file with Opera by typing file:///mnt/sdcard/Documents/blabla.html. Opera changed the adress in file://localhost/mnt/Documents... Using the localhost syntax on the android browser opened the local file.
I am a java barcode learner.I'm new to Android development.I want to load a html file into a webview.
Note that there are so many relevant questions on SO like this, but they all deal with getting *.html from assets folder.
But I want to load html file from local folder, say "D://abc.html" because if my html is around 10Mb then corresponding apk size also goes upto 10mb.
Any help appreciated.