How do you Restore a 7048 from a dump


Jul 2, 2013
Hello I am new and I have no idea what happened I was using my 7048 and put it down my 2 year old got a hold of it and it hasnt shown the internal sd since .... I have a dump I dont know how to restore from it though being that i have done the research and every thing says i have to do this but i dont know how to ... I am completly stumped ... Please help
Thanks in advance
Without a custom recovery, restoring from a requires a Coby-signed created from the system dump.
Then you want to look at the sticky posts in development, especially the Development Index. In the third post, the one where I provide a list of dumps, is a link to a thread explaining how to restore from a dump. Follow its instructions and you should be good to go.
it seems like the only directions i am finding on how to do this is for the wrong model .... am i missing something?
The general restore procedure is device independent. You may have to modify some of the commands to account for differences in partition structure, e.g renaming "nande" in a command to "mcmblkp01".