How to backup ROM - detailed for beginers


Apr 29, 2011
Implementation of great job done for new firmware Apad 8" IMX515 by @xaueious, and with small changes of @tekowalsky, suppose first to do ROM backup from safety reason.

Positive coments relating to a.m. new firmwares ecourage people to change stock firmware.

Will be great if someone who already did this job (ROM backup for Apad 8" IMX515 ) to post here step by step what must to do, which commands and programs to use, where to be placed.
Thanks to @xaueious there is a reffered link at Coder's Talk: Howto Backup and Restore SD card image with tar and dd but not enough clear for newbie.

Thank you in advance !
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Absolutely +1!!!!

Altough I took the risk and updated my tablet without a backup, I'd really appreciate such a guide!!
