How to boot 7127 into CWM with fastboot? Path?


May 20, 2012

Well I have done my research on using fastboot, I have all of the files installed and can perform comands using fastboot, but I have NO IDEA what the file path is to get the device to boot into the CWM.IMG file!!!!

I KNOW my computer can "see" the device! I can use the standard "reboot" comand and the device reboots(but it gets stuck at the "android" screen).

I am in fastboot mode in the device and will use the comand below..........

Flash Custom Recovery.imgfastboot flash recovery /path/to/<recovery>.imgfastboot reboot

So my question is WHAT IS THE PATH to the CWM.IMG! I can not find any info on this!!!!

I figure the recovery was on the device? I guess I'm wrong.....?

I thought I could use fastboot to boot into CWM recovery then restore to the backup I had saved on the SD card?

I did a NANDROID backup (IMG File) via CWM prior to messing around, and I copied the contents of that to my desktop, so with that being said can I just install that backup using fastboot?

Here is where I have the nandroid back-up on my computer (an ".IMG" File)
C:\Users\Asus Eee\Desktop\backup

I have the backup file AND I did download a IMG file of CWM as well if I need to to boot into CWM in order to restore.

Can I boot using an IMG file?

At this point if I can even find a ZIP file to use to restore 100%back to stock I would be FINE with that!

THANK YOU for your help.....
Here is what I have for comands needed...sorry if I sound too much like a noob but I guess I am more of a novice with the comand prompts....

Make a Nandroid backup, and copy the folder off your SD card to your desktop.
cd ~/Desktop/path/to/backup/fastboot flash userdata data.imgfastboot flash system system.imgfastboot flash boot boot.imgfastboot reboot[h=3]Flash Custom Recovery.img[/h]fastboot flash recovery /path/to/<recovery>.imgfastboot reboot[h=3]Flash Custom boot.img[/h]You should make a Nandroid backup first, in case you need to recover your boot.img
fastboot flash boot /path/to/<boot>.imgfastboot reboot
I keep getting an error:

error: cannot load 'Eee\Desktop\backup

Could it be because there is a SPACE in the path? (C:\Users\Asus Eee\Desktop\backup)

I have a STONG feeling it's the use of the CMD commands that is stopping me!!!!! :-(

#1- FORGET using the commnd:
Flash Custom Recovery.imgfastboot flash recovery /path/to/<recovery>.img
fastboot reboot

Here are the steps I used:

I found an IMG file named "COBY-CWM-V4" online!

Download the file and I placed it in the ROOT directory of my C drive!!!! DO NOT PLACE on your desktop!!!!! Place it in your C: dirrectory!

(You need SKD tools and correct drivers to recognize your device to continue)

Open CMD prompt

Get to the file "android-sdk/platform tools"

Check that folder to MAKE SURE you have "FASTBOOT" as a file name in the "android-sdk/platform tools" folder.

Connect device to your computer via USB. (I used a laptop w/ Win 7)Launch the device into FASTBOOT mode by hitting the power and vol down button at the same time! Listen to make sure your computer recognizes the device by the low/high tone!

type in the cdm line : (You can copy and paste)
fastboot flash boot c:\coby-cwm-v4.img

Watch it work.....once it's completed type in (Again..copy and past if you like)
fastboot reboot

BINGO!!!! You should automaticly REBOOT into CWM RECOVERY!!!!!

Now remember, you will need to find the "coby-cwm-v4" file in order to cut and paste the command lines I have above. If you find a different .IMG file for CWM (Or whatever recovery file you decide to use)replace the file name with the name of the file you downloaded!

Also, if you do not have a prior backup you may need to find a stock image?

As long as you can boot into FASTBOOT I am pretty SURE you can get it working again! For as many times these forums have helped me, just reply to this post with your message and I will see if I can help!!!!
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