How to connect external USB Keyboard


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2012
My friend have bought an external USB Keyboard but he says (Living in another country so I have to take his word :rolleyes:) that the keyboards Micro USB plug doesn't fit HTC Flyer.

Does anybody know where he can buy a cheap adapter if that is in fact what is wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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I think most Keyboards come with a full sized USB connector which requires a USB to mini USB converter which you can get from Amazon or Ebay
Actually on close inspection you may just find that a mini USB plug does fit the HTC Flyer.

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The HTC Flyer has only a Micro USB connector which even when adapted to a standard micro to USB A will not work. Moreover, the Flyer does not have the drivers necessary in the Android software. I suspect that additionally that the Micro usb does not have the power to run a keyboard. This is also true for connecting a usb flashdrive or an External hard drive. However using the bluetooth interface with the Flyer and a bluetooth keyboard it will work. Also, the wifi connected Network assisted storage adapters will let you connect the Flyer to flashdrives and external hard drives via wifi. It seems the driving force behind the HTC designers was to keep the device untethered.