how to free up app memory on non rooted vtab system .57


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
you need adb and all the drivers installed enable usb debugging on tablet . connect to pc. run cmd.exe
now type in your path

"cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools"
"adb devices"
"adb shell"
A $ sign should pop up
"pm setInstallLocation 2"
Another $ should pop up

And your done. Close everything, disconnect tablet, turn off phone and then turn it back on again

Note:Now the tablet will be set to install all apps you install onto the SD card. However, current apps on phone will mostly still be stored on the internal memory. This process doesn't move these apps for you, it adds the ability. So you must now manually move those already installed on the tablet. Install some apps like app2sd etc.

It’s preferable to install certain apps to the main memory, since it will take a while before the SD card becomes available when you start your tablet. Applications installed on the memory card will also be unavailable to the system each time you mount your tablet as a disk drive.

In general, apps that integrate with the Android OS and that often run in the background is better to install on the internal storage, while games and most other applications will have no problem chilling outside on your SD.

Widgets should essentially be installed on android memory.

i did this on my wifes vtab and freed up a crap load of total space for install apps.

while this actually still doesnt move them to sd. it will free up total sace for you to install more apps.
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im hoping when this mysterious update were all getting fed a line of bull for drops. we can get it rooted. this really is a great tablet. just needs some attention. would love to get more devs here on it. if i could get the rom updater script sorted we would have miui in a week lol .
I had a hard time doing this because after I lost root ADB didn't want to connect to the Vtab but I finally got it working by using ADB with the root terminal available in (to) Ubuntu
I was hoping this would allow installation to /sdcard/external (the true sdcard) but apparently not.