How to get a working market on DG2.20


Aug 1, 2011

If anything happens to your device I am not responsible in any way..This was only tested on hwver

TO begin first download this image
as well as the flashing utility which is attached

Then extract the iuw file, and turn the device off.

following that plug the power cable in the tablet, then the usb cable in the on the go (otg) port, and turn it on.

Windows, will then as for drivers direct it to the otg_driver folder, then open the IUW program, and ensure that it is on easy burn, and the wrapped image is the then press burn and you will now be on the latest update.

As for market download the Market apk from the attachments as well, and put it on the sd card, and go to my pad, and install the apk..

Now connect to a wifi network, run the market app, and follow the instructions..

and you now have a fully functional market.



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    2.2 MB · Views: 580
This was only tested on hwver

TO begin first download this image

Note: This update reverts the Express model SYTABEX7 to an older Settings application (Settings.apk) which will display the "Model number" incorrectly as "SYNET7LP" on the "About device" screen. This may cause some confusion to users not familiar with the two different devices. Only the beta4 update correctly displays SYTABEX7 on an tablet.

Snippet of code in DeviceInfoSettings.smali from Settings.apk
    .line 65
    const-string v9, "firmware_version"

    const-string v10, "DG2.20"

    invoke-direct {p0, v9, v10}, Lcom/android/settings/DeviceInfoSettings;->setStringSummary(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V

    .line 69
    const-string v9, "device_model"

    const-string v10, "[B]SYNET7LP[/B]"

    invoke-direct {p0, v9, v10}, Lcom/android/settings/DeviceInfoSettings;->setStringSummary(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V

    .line 70
    const-string v9, "build_number"

    const-string v10, ""
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