How to get yahoo mail on a SYNET7LP


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2011
I visited to get this info but Yahoo support fixed things before I could post the question.
Here's what worked for me:
(1) Enter
(2) Enter password
(3) Select manual setup
(4) Incoming server:
(5) Incoming port : 993
(6) Security : SSL (accept all certificates)
(7) Outgoing server:
(8) Outgoing port : 465
(9) Security : SSL (accept all certificates)
The built in setup seems impressive so far.
This information is good as of 24 Dec. 2011
My device is using Android-DG2.2.1-761 Kernel2.6.32.9
hi, the mail apk that comes in the tablet it only works with gmail; if you want to use Yahoo, hotmail, whatever you should get an email client apk such as:

kaiten mail(the best for me), it looks a lot of the galaxy tab mail client

maildroid, this is free on slide market

k9 mail client, also free

after you install any mail client you will be able to use your Yahoo mail account, and also another ones; in my tablet I installed the kaiten mail one and I can receive and send from Yahoo, hotmail, gmail accounts

so, grab kaiten (paid apk, but if you search one old thread that its called useful apk's that I wrote some while ago you can get the apk for free, right now its a little bit outdated but its useful at the moment too

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
Mr Jv90,
I bought my SYNET7LP factory reconditioned for $59. It came in a SYTABEX7 box.
The built in email application has installed my Yahoo mail with the values I've given.
My tablet now automatically opens my yahoo mail as soon as its connected to the internet.
It also vibrates and posts an icon if there's anything new in the inbox.
Dragging the icon from the taskbar opens the inbox.
My mail seems to work as well as a desk top, and in some ways better.
My initial problem with getting the built in email app to setup Yahoo mail
was choosing SSL for security. Editing security to: SSL (accept all certificates)
satisfied the built in application.
good work, however, I can't open any mail on the mail apk that came on mine, so I use a client mail; my model is the sytabex7,

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
Sorry it doesn't work for you.
If you are in Ecuador, check with Yahoo support for the appropriate servers and ports.
The values above work fine in NY,NY,USA.
I have the SYNET7LP-DS model and was able to set up my Yahoo mail account on the mail app. I actually like that there is a mail icon on the top left of the screen by the home button that appears when I get new mail.
Just a few thoughts. Can you extract the server addresses and port numbers your Kaiten client mail is using for Yahoo? If so, are they the same in Ecuador and New York?
I visited to get this info but Yahoo support fixed things before I could post the question.
Here's what worked for me:
(1) Enter
(2) Enter password
(3) Select manual setup
(4) Incoming server:
(5) Incoming port : 993
(6) Security : SSL (accept all certificates)
(7) Outgoing server:
(8) Outgoing port : 465
(9) Security : SSL (accept all certificates)
The built in setup seems impressive so far.
This information is good as of 24 Dec. 2011
My device is using Android-DG2.2.1-761 Kernel2.6.32.9

It worked ! Thanks for the info.
I really don't know if they are the same, but I can't open any mail account besides gmail, however, if you tried kaiten mail, you'll love it, cause its almost the same mail app that the galaxy has on their tablet, its very good

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
Mr. Jv90,
Thank you for the referral to Kaiten

I've already seen what happens when the little green guy inside gets confused:
I'm greeted in one Yahoo account with the user name from another.
I don't want to make things worse.

I'm guessing Kaiten won't reveal the address it uses for your Yahoo mail, and I
don't know if Ecuador uses the same values I've posted.

If you find out how Kaiten gets your Yahoo mail, I'd guess more than a few people in
Ecuador would be interested.

it works, it works; gmail works perfect, Yahoo works perfect with all the instruction that you post; now

what about hotmail? can you get some info to get it work?

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
Mr. Jv90,
I'm happy to hear it.
I'll hazard a guess that you'll find the server addresses and port numbers at microsoft answers for hot mail on
your SYTABEX7.
I have not tried more than one account on the SYNET7LP.
I'll post anything I can find that appears useful.
Good luck