How To Keep Getting Good Battery Life On Tab Pro 8.4


Feb 6, 2014
On my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 the battery life is poor and not consistent to be honest ... :( :( :(

It can get 5 hours of sceen time(which is and good and long enough for me) for a couple days everytime i restarted the Tab Pro 8.4 or cleared the cache.

But after a few days it goes down hill and i get only 3/4 hours of sceen time even when i just doing light stuff like web browsing or watching videos.

I don't really play game a lot on my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 and i always have my brightness under 40% and have things like Bluetooth, GPS etc off and i use the "Power saving mode" all the time and i keep on force closing apps/games to stop draning the battery life but it still does not make a big difference...

Maybe because of TouchWiz is draining the battery faster than normal but i don't really know?.....

Just wondering does this happen to you? And How to keep getting good enough battery life(5 hours of sceen time) all the time?

And why everytime i restart my Tab Pro 8.4 and i could get 5 hours of sceen time but after a few days it goes down hill and can only get 3/4 MAX of sceen time on every single charge?..

I really WANT to get good battery life(5 hours of sceen time) all the time on my Tab Pro 8.4 because that is good and long enough for me. :)
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