How to make LiveSuite .img file from fw_dump2 files?


Sep 5, 2012
I have an "A13" chinese nameless tablet that i bought from DX,
I backup my firmware with fw_dump2 (this tool:
and then flash another rom, but from then my touchscreen won't work.

I want to recover my backuped firmware but I don't know how to create a livesuite .img file from the 4 files that fw_dump2 created for me
(bootloader.img, boot.img, recovery.img, system.tgz).
I saw some tutrials with the "A10 Flash Kitchen" but there many files i haven't (like root.img, bootfs) and i didn't succed doing that.
If someone know how to help me with this, I will really appreciate it!
You have a long and trick process ahead.
This page:
Details everything, but you have to read between the lines a bit as you aren't starting from a firmware image.
It's really important that you read all the comments, as there is an important step missing from the main guide (_bootfs must be collected from your tablet before you can successfully build a new firmware image)
All the tools are linked in the guide.