How to Play WMV Files with MOBO Player?


Dec 7, 2011
Hello there,

tried to play a WMV file with MOBO Player on my Slider.
The Sound is there but no picture... however I get to see a preview thumb nail.

What can I do? Is there an add-in?
Is there any free Video Player App that will play all sorts of files?

Anybody got an idea?


DoubleTwist app may help you, but I don't know if it supports all WMV files. Mobo player is strong enough, if it can't play, may be codec or resolution problem. Check your video codec. If it still doesn't work, you'd better try video converter. such as Foxreal Video Converter. If these videos are purchased or DRM protected, you need professional tool - Foxreal TuneSmasher.
Maybe your WMV video codec is not right, or the resolution is too high, you can use a video converter to reduce the resolution. Or you can just convert your video to MP4, android support MP4 video much better.