how to remove Disgo 7000 touch screen scratches ?


Jun 16, 2012
Hello, last week I bought new Disgo 7000 tablet, everything was fine till I gave tablet to my little brother who had (will sound silly) long fingernails so when he had use a tablet he made some scratches which is not possible to remove even I couldn't believe it was that easy to made that. As we know it's resistive touch screen so any suggestions to restore screen to the normal condition? I know that tablet is very cheap tablet but I didn't know the screen is that easy to scratch.
thanks in advance.
Not really sure of any method to "remove" scratches from a touch screen. It might be possible to fill them in, similar to how scratches are filled in on CDs. I've heard a number of ways for that including using peanut butter. Yeah I know, I'm skeptical myself, but supposedly you wipe the peanut butter off, but the oils remain and fill in the scratches.