How to run Order and Chaos Online on A500


Jun 27, 2011
First download it on supported device like Galaxy S 2 and then backup the application using ES File Explorer, then share the backup to gmail and install it from there in A500. Have to enable untrusted sources in application settings. The game works much better in A500 because of bigger screen.
You can now play order and chaos on the A500! I clicked on top HD games. That brought me to gameloft website, where I download the game.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
No need for any addtional steps. Just download it and play. I play fine and it loosk great (arcania server).
Can you use a keyboard or controller on this game? Controlling is kind of funny, and takes a bit to get used too!

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
I tried my usb keyboard mouse combo.

Keyboard cxan only be used fror typing. Not movement. Mouse when holdign down a button is camera look. Middle is menu items.

But now keyboard movement which sucks.