how to transfer data from PC to the SD card in my imito im7 pc tablet?


Aug 4, 2011
hello there , sorry if this question has been asked before but i couldnt seem to find it anywhere in forums. I recently bought an imito im7 pc tablet which works great and i truly love it. I just bought an 8 gig mini SD card and was wondering how to transfer stuff from my pc to the card itself?? the device recognises the sd card and i can see it but when i connect the device to my PC i cannot seem to transfer anything to the SD card or see a directory for it. I checked the system/storage settings and it appears that the SD card auto unmounts when the imito device is connected to my PC.Would love to know if their is some way around this? or an app i can get maybe or do i need to go out and buy an SD card reader itself for my PC? any info i can get on this will be truly appreciated
ok solved my own problem it seems.... had to buy a usb sd card reader. Was easiest way to transfer data from pc to sd card. There are also a few apps on the android market which help to browse your sd card via pc tablet.