How to turn off gestures ? They're ruining my game play


Nov 26, 2013
While playing an air traffic control game, each time I move my finger from the bottom of the screen (in landscape mode) to the middle, it triggers some kind of gesture that opens up this annoying popup with a microphone, google, and a notepad thing.

How can I disable it? Even if it wasn't annoying my game play, I don't want it (or any other gesture). I prefer my programs to start by me pressing the icon for it.

I'm on an LG G Pad 8.3 using Android 4.2.2, not rooted or hacked in any way. Here's a screenshot:

I'm fairly certain that is the standard method for activating Google Now, not a standard gesture. The only way I can think of to stop it would be to turn Google Now off.
Aaaaaahhhh. That's what it is. I've disabled Google search and although the gesture is still triggering, at least it drops straight back out because it can't open search :)

I've found an app that disables the gesture, but I don't think it does anything more than disabling google search does.

It's not an ideal solution, but better than what I was considering - Option 1: sending the LG Tablet back as faulty, Option 2: Installing Gingerbread CyanogenMod on it, Option 3: Giving it away to a poor unsuspecting relative. I'd have accepted any of those options over living with the Google Now gesture interrupting my tablet-using experience in such an intrusive manner :)