[HowTo] Based 1.2 Custom Rom 'Brilliant Corners' - Basic Info & Installation !


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2011
The following is a very BASIC information with very BASIC recommended installation steps that I extracted from the following posts. Hope that it would be beneficial for someone.

Ref: [ROM] Brilliant Corners alternative 1.2-based firmware - [G-TABLET\ZPAD T2] - SlateDroid.com
Ref: [GUIDE] Fool proof install for stock 4349 - xda-developers
Ref: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...are-mountain-laurel-rom-some-basic-steps.html

Since the release of 1.2.4349, and after a short while playing with it, I really like it, or to try the based 1.2 custom ML Rom as per the 3rd link above from Matt. But the ML specs did not impress me at the time, especially the report about the video capability (sorry Roebeet, always respect your passion and technique), until this new Brilliant Corners release. The name and the specs look quite inviting.

A> The basics:
. Brilliant Corners is an alternate 1.2 based ROM for the GTab, based on the VEGA / Viewpad 10s firmware. It will flash system, recovery, bootloader and kernel.
. Wipe data after you flash to this ROM if coming from a different ROM.
. It includes the 1.2 stock enhanced recovery which can be used for the data wipe.

B> The features (copied & pasted from Roebeet link):
- Rooted and has SuperUser app pre-installed.
- Google Marketplace has been added. It might be crippled by default, but it's fixable with this hack: Working Market fix (tested on TnT Lite, should work elsewhere) - xda-developers. Also adds a ASUS Transformer modification for Tegra2 apps.
- Development and Spare Parts apps have been added.
- Busybox pre-installed. Thanks to bekit for his work on cm6.1!
- Adds a full YouTube app.
- Flash is pre-installed.
- Adds extra UI animations (thanks to Rothnic for those enhancements!).
- Adds an Adam keyboard and Sniffer app (thanks to gojimi for that!). Also adds a Gingerbread-based keyboard.
- G-Sensor hack and Calibration hacks (see the old VEGAn archives for nods on that - thanks Goijmi and Rothnic for all their hard work!!).

DISCLAIMER: Use the instructions below at your own risks although I tested it and it worked fine for me.

C> Recommended installation steps for custom rom users with installed CWM (some minor modification from ramerco link) :

Note: If you are already at stock 1.2.4349, or other 1.2 based Roms (ie. TNT Lite 5 / TwoTapsX / Century Eyes / Mountain Laurel); or if you are already at stock 1.1.3588, use method <D> below.

1> Back up your data (i.e. nanoidbackup, titanium back-up, or other means).
2> Download necessary files from the links at the bottom of this thread. Extract the gtab.Brilliant.Corners.1.0.0.rar to a folder on your PC. Within the folder, there should be a recovery folder and an update.zip file. Remember the location.
3> Boot to CWM recovery with Pwr and Vol+ until a tiny message appears on the top right corner then release both buttons.
4> Connect the tablet to PC using USB cable. In CWM go to the "mounts and storage" menu, then choose "mount USB storage". You should see the tablet's internal SDCARD folder on your PC.
5> Confirm there is nothing you want to save on your SD card. If there is anything you want, save it now. Leave the tablet usb cable connected to the PC then go to the next step.
6> On the tablet, go to "Unmount" and go back to the main CWM Recover Menu
7> Choose "advanced", then "Partition SD Card", then select 2048M for Ext size, then 0M for swap size, then press the Home button.
8> Wait for the partioning to complete, then wipe Dalvik Cache. When completed, once again mount USB storage as in step <4> to connect to the PC. There should be nothing shown in the root folder of the SDCARD.
9> Copy to the tablet's root SDCARD: Calkulin's_FORMAT_ALL.zip, update-smb_a1002-3588-user.zip, and the update.zip + the recovery folder (both of these were downloaded and extracted in step <2>).
10> Unmount and return to main menu of CWM. Disconnect the USB cable from the PC.
11> Choose "install zip from sdcard" then "choose zip from sdcard" and select "Calkulin's_FORMAT_ALL.zip"
12> Proceed with the install, once finish select "choose zip from sdcard" and select "update-smb_a1002-3588-user.zip"
14> Once it completes, go back to CWM recovery main menu then power off with the power button.
15> Boot up into recovery with PWR and Vol+. This will initiate the Brilliant.Corners installation using the stock recovery.
16> Watch your tablet boot into the Brilliant.Corners rom. This should take some time to initialize (two to three minutes, so be patient), then it will boot into the GUI. If it gets stuck (and it likely will if you came from a different ROM), reboot into recovery one more time and wipe data / factory reset and reboot. Mine booted up successfully within less than 2 minutes.

D> Installation for stock 1.1.3588 users and for 1.2-based stock/mod users (ie. TNT Lite 5 / TwoTapsX / 4349 stock / Century Eyes / Mountain Laurel)

1> Download necessary files from the links at the bottom of this thread. Use the latest revision and supplement if available. Extract the gtab.Brilliant.Corners.x.x.x.rar to a folder on your PC. Within the folder, there should be a recovery folder and an update.zip file. Remember the location.
2> Connect the tablet to PC, and activate usb transfer on the tablet; the PC should see the internal sd card of the tablet. Copy the recovery folder and the update.zip to the root of the SDCARD. When complete, on the PC eject the tablet drive. On the tablet, disconnect usb transfer, then disconnect the tablet from the PC.
3> Power off the tablet, then boot into recovery (press & holf power button and volume up button simultaneously until a tiny recovery message appears on the top left corner, release both buttons. The Brilliant.Corners.1.0.0 update should occur automatically (optional: click on the Home button to see the build details while it's running) . Once completed, it should reboot automatically. This should take some time to initialize (two to three minutes, so be patient), then it will boot into the GUI. If it gets stuck (and it likely will if you came from a different ROM), reboot into recovery one more time and wipe data / factory reset and reboot.

Note: if supplement is available, repeat steps 1 thru 3.

NOTE: Do NOT install any based 1.1 Kernel. Bad thing will CERTAINLY happens.

Enjoy the new Brilliant Corners Rom. Again, thanks to Roebeet.

Download Links:
. Brilliant Corners Rom gtab.Brilliant.Corners.1.0.0.rar
. Stock 3588 image http://tapntap.http.internapcdn.net/tapntap/viewsonic/update-smb_a1002-3588-user.zip
. Stock 4349 image http://tapntap.http.internapcdn.net/tapntap/viewsonic/update-smb_a1002-4349-user.zip or Dropbox - update-smb_a1002-4349-user.zip - Simplify your life. Good to have in case users wish to test out this stock firmware. In that case, replace Brilliant Corners with this file in step <C.2> or <D.1>.
. Calkulin's Format_all.zip xda-developers

Edit 04/23/2011
Supplement : gtab.Brilliant.Corners.1.0.1.suppl.rar. Run this after the base built to improve flash player.

Edit 04/29/2011
Roebeet released version gtab.Brilliant.Corners.1.1.0.rar today 4/29/2011

(1.1.0) Based on newer VEGA image, Flash 10.2, g-sensor hack removed (will be an add-on, instead), added ASUS Water LW, added TB user app, /sdcard2 scanning should now work, updated Market apk to latest version.
(1.0.1) Fixes Flash issue after a data wipe.
(1.0.0) First release

Edit 5/1/2011:
Supplement Brilliant Corners 1.1.1 Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?7r15k69ik23xn1l
The supplement is layered over the base build - these are just file copies, like a "hotfix". This is run AFTER the base build.

Edit 6/14/20011:Brilliant Corners 1.2.0 Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?f6ba2fseq7j89c3
md5sum: 33caa466d631ea1f8aca4e80535e3247
(updated 5/08/2011)

Brilliant Corners 1.2.1 supplement Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?f1cysb7go741srg
md5sum: e8e122cec938e9df77c9e6b51bbb16ea
(updated 5/20/2011)
The supplement is layered over the base build - these are just file copies, like a "hotfix". This is run AFTER the base build.

Edit 8/12/2011: Brilliant Corners 1.3.0 Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ldr55rpc168h35d


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If I go to a 4349 based from, will that then disallow me from installed another kernel? Right now i Have 1.4 "droidbasement" kernel running VEGAn 7
Peter, you are most welcome !
Saw your questioning post at xda ? Did not understand the post. Is there something interesting new ?
This was SO easy! I'd already updated OTA to the stock 4349 ROM and decided to give this a try. Much nicer than stock, and incredibly easy to make the switch. Virtually fool proof.

I tried a wireless keyboard/mouse combo, but assume the G-Sensor fix is what has inverted the mouse function. Is there a patch specific to this build that will disable the G-Sensor fix to allow the wireless mouse to work properly, such as the older VEGAn patch? Wireless keyboard works flawlessly, though.

Thanks again for putting together this guide. I can't imagine an iPad being any more fun this this inexpensive tablet.
. . . I tried a wireless keyboard/mouse combo, but assume the G-Sensor fix is what has inverted the mouse function. Is there a patch specific to this build that will disable the G-Sensor fix to allow the wireless mouse to work properly, such as the older VEGAn patch? Wireless keyboard works flawlessly, though.. . . .

As you wished, new version 1.1.0 was released just for you ! (smile). See the original post. In your case, just use section D to flash the new Rom.

As you wished, new version 1.1.0 was released just for you ! (smile). See the original post. In your case, just use section D to flash the new Rom.


The installation was just as easy as before. Using wireless mouse and keyboard now with docked g Tablet. Excellent!

Sent from my Brilliant Corners v1.1.0 using Android Tablet Forum
Mydave, I have Tnt lite v4.4.0 with cwm, can I install new rom Brilliant Corner v1.1.0 using your instruction "C". Thanks
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richest, yes

Since you had CWM installed, then you MUST use section <C>.
Note: Avoid CWM after installing this rom and other 1.2 based rom's for the moment. Until a more friendly CWM is released.

richest, yes

Since you had CWM installed, then you MUST use section <C>.
Note: Avoid CWM after installing this rom and other 1.2 based rom's for the moment. Until a more friendly CWM is released.


Mydave, Just want to make sure. Do I have to NVflash to base build first. Also can I just download those Rom and put in sd card and update with CWM recovery or I have to use the computer. Thanks

If you are comfortable with nvflash, then use it and follow section <D> instruction. Also, if the nvflashing process puts firmware 1.1.3389 on your tablet, then let it upgrade OTA to 1.1.3588 before proceding.

The alternate process, without nvflashing, is to follow section <C> instruction. This is required in your case since you already install CWM.

so i just installed v1.0.0 and cwm is broken as you stated. its my fault for not reading the entire thread first. so since cwm is broken am i screwed now? everytime i try to do something on the tablet resprings so i would rather flash to another rom if possible. any help is appreciated thanks.
so i just installed v1.0.0 and cwm is broken as you stated. its my fault for not reading the entire thread first. so since cwm is broken am i screwed now? everytime i try to do something on the tablet resprings so i would rather flash to another rom if possible. any help is appreciated thanks.

I must admit that I do not understand your question.
Rather than just ignoring it, I thought that you may want to read this thread:
[RECOVERY] nvflash FULL restore, using either 1.1 or 1.2 based images - [G-TABLET] - SlateDroid.com
The thread detailed the restoring process to either the stock 1.1 based or 1.2 based.
Good luck,
Thanks for the info. I followed each step, and booted nicely into Brilliant Corners. The problem I have, is that I cannot install any apps. I tried restoring some apps using Titanium, and when it got to the point of actually installing, the tablet would reboot. I tried installing something from the market, and the same thing. Is this a known problem with a solution (couldn't find it by searching) or did I do something wrong. BTW, I updated to BC 1.2.0 which appears to have CWM so when I boot into recovery mode, I get CWM, but it does not seem to allow me to wipe data.