Huawei Technical Forums

After i created my id, I was still unable to post for about 48 hours.
If they are trying to downgrade us to downgrade1.6 i wont be happy at all they need to be working there buts off to bring 2.2 cause i want my flash!

Sent from my Ideos S7
Agreed. Pretty much lost all credibility with those stupid Android 1.6 downgrade posts.

Those posts appear to be fraudulent. It appears that anyone can create an account, and it will be listed with Huawei Staff status. It looks like someone was able to make an account called "admin" and post that nonsense. The moderators seem to rarely moderate!

I have to admit it is very strange to see this type of thing on the forum of a TECHNOLOGY company. Creating an online forum system does not take much technological prowess!
I recall many forums for different manufacturers are similar...
I recall many forums for different manufacturers are similar...

Yes, it seems many tech companies treat these as a means for customers to blow off steam and are largely ingnored or poorly moderated. I guess they figure that if they give some people the false sense that that they will actually get something useful from the forums, then they've eliminated a marginal call to customer support. Who knows. It's really insulting regardless.
Now I'm confused??? I thought were the official Huawei S7 Tech Forum...;)...who needs them, when I can have
Hello all, I messed up, I was trying to change the supplicant file on my s7 and when it didn't work, for like the 10th time(wouldent connect to wifi at all) I went to change the original file back and it wasent there, I thought I had a backup made from before, but I didn't, I should have checked but I didn't, obviously, can anyone help plz