Hudl Tablet To TV, HDMI Cable


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2015
Hi there. When it comes to computer and the like, I am not the sharpest knife in box. My question. I saw an answer earlier about connecting tablet to tv, but my LG, has 3 HDMI boxes input screen but I cannot get a signal;is it to do with the Hudl tablet, the TV, or am I not doing something right? I would be very grateful if you talented guys/gals out there could help a very dull 67 yr old, so I can play games on TV. Thank you in aticipation.
Welcome to the forum

I've seen this issue before. There are 2 or maybe 3 possibilities. The most likely is that you need to connect the HDMI cable then manually select the input on the TV. The second possibility is that the cable is incorrect or faulty, (something I have seen several times on Android forums). The 3rd and less likely is that the port on the tablet isn't working as designed.
Hi there. When it comes to computer and the like, I am not the sharpest knife in box. My question. I saw an answer earlier about connecting tablet to tv, but my LG, has 3 HDMI boxes input screen but I cannot get a signal;is it to do with the Hudl tablet, the TV, or am I not doing something right? I would be very grateful if you talented guys/gals out there could help a very dull 67 yr old, so I can play games on TV. Thank you in aticipation.
Its me again, I have now a picture( second HDMI at back of TV derrrrrrrr) but keepsblanking out every few seconds, any please help the dull knife!!
Welcome to the forum

I've seen this issue before. There are 2 or maybe 3 possibilities. The most likely is that you need to connect the HDMI cable then manually select the input on the TV. The second possibility is that the cable is incorrect or faulty, (something I have seen several times on Android forums). The 3rd and less likely is that the port on the tablet isn't working as designed.
Very many thanks, the cable is new today, but I`ll keep at it, I knew I could count on superior talant:)>-<