Huge issues on A500 after ICS upgrade


Jun 4, 2012

I need your help here.

Since I upgraded to ICS through OTA, almost a month ago, I have huge problems with my Acer Iconia A500. When booting, two out of three it comes back with the error message 'Boot verified failed' and then hangs up. Sometimes it needs 2-3 times of restarting, sometimes removing the SD card before finaly it will start up. after starting up it will not run longer than 2-3 minutes before it hangs up, no difference what application I run. This of course is not workable.

Although I already had some problems with the tablet hanging up, before going to ICS (say once every 15-20 min, I actually hoped upgrading would solve these problems), the issue has become unbearable after the ICS upgrade. I went back to factory settings already, but this does not solve any of these problems.

I would very much appreciate any suggestions helping me forward on this.

Welcome to the forum WFPM,

Sorry for your troubles. We have some A500 experts who should be along to help you at some point. I know how frustrating a wonky tablet can be.

Anything I am going to suggest you have already tried (like the factory reset).
There's nothing worse than a wonky tablet. ;) I have a suggestion that you may want to look at the apps you have installed. If you do a factory reset again, there should be a spot during setup that asks if you want to sync. I suggest you say no. The reasoning is that if an app is causing an issue syncing with Google could put it right back and you in the same fix. After the factory reset use your tablet with the stock apps until you feel it's stable and install your apps in small batches with a restart between batches.

I need your help here.

Since I upgraded to ICS through OTA, almost a month ago, I have huge problems with my Acer Iconia A500. When booting, two out of three it comes back with the error message 'Boot verified failed' and then hangs up. Sometimes it needs 2-3 times of restarting, sometimes removing the SD card before finaly it will start up. after starting up it will not run longer than 2-3 minutes before it hangs up, no difference what application I run. This of course is not workable.

Although I already had some problems with the tablet hanging up, before going to ICS (say once every 15-20 min, I actually hoped upgrading would solve these problems), the issue has become unbearable after the ICS upgrade. I went back to factory settings already, but this does not solve any of these problems.

I would very much appreciate any suggestions helping me forward on this.


Let me get this straight. Your tablet would hang even on HC. How old is your tablet? I'd take it back if it is still under warranty or get in touch with ACER and request repair or new one.

You said that it boots sometimes once the SD Card is removed. Take the SD CARD out and see if the A500 will stabilize with the SDCARD removed. You may have to try one or two COLD Boots before system stablizes. I have had a similar issue with a camera - turned out SD CARD was intermittently faulty. I tried formatting the faulty SD CARD and yeah it would format and come back as okay. But after a number of photos the card would become unstable and then loose a few shots that were stored. I tried it in another camera, thinking maybe camera is faulty, same results. Yet when the PC was looking at it, no problems - except when you tried to drag photos off the CARD.