I can't play avi. file from external hard drive to my Toshiba Thrive 3.1 honey comb


Sep 28, 2011
First my thrive did not read my 500 gb ex HD and then I had to reformat it from NTFS to Fat32. From there it was able to read my files on the ex HD. When I plug my ex HD to my desktop the files reads as MP4 or other format for video and I use Divx on my desktop and I able to watch movies. When I plug my ex HD to my thrive the files are read as avi. and it won't play my videos. What can I do to fix this problem so I can play my movies on the thrive? Thank you very much
I just brought my Thrive yesterday and this is my first time using a tablet so I'm lost. Step by step instructions would be great. Thank you again
if you can't play the video file, i recommend getting an app called vplayer. i use it on my droid x and hd2, so far it has played every video format that i have, which is almost every one. i have mp4, avi, 3gp, 3gp2, wmv, etc...