Im looking for a android tablet, 150-250 bucks. Im looking for 8"-10", I feel like 7 inch is too small as it is only 3 inches bigger than my phone, so whats the point right. I dont really need capacative, I dont have a problem with resistance, although I never tried it, but it doesnt seem like a big deal. It would be awesome if it had a front facing camera, and It definetly needs to have froyo. I looked at the herotab m10, which is nice but sadly is a lil bit expensive for me, the herotab mid816 looks perfect but has resistance, I also looked at zenithink 2, which is 10" resistance for like 250. Im not sure if I should go with 8" and has a camera, or 10" without a camera. =/ Or even this flytouch 3 superpad 2, but I havent seen videos on that, as I think its new. If anyone feels like 7" really isnt as small as I think, I saw this new Herotab c8, which is 7" capacative.
Help me out guys
Edit: I want to use this as like my primary computer, to just browse web, talk to friends, facebook and **** like that. I want it to be mobile as well
Edit: I want to use this as like my primary computer, to just browse web, talk to friends, facebook and **** like that. I want it to be mobile as well
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