I gave up...


Dec 29, 2010
as some of you may remember, I had two chinese imported tablets. One worked but had a volume control problem and the other was just, well...unusable. I tried and tried to restore it but no luck. I recently bought two Pandigital 7'' multimedia/ereaders. So far, so good. Any tips or tricks you'd like to refer/link me to, as I see a lot of postings to get through, would be appreciated.

I still haven't totally given up on the other 2 tablets but needed to stop banging my head against the wall over them. Someday....
They might make good bookends!
Sorry, I had 2 *************** supplied shoddy tablets commit
Suicide after 3 hours us. If you send them back it's more money down the drain!
mom2jps: I gave my wife the Panditital 7" eReader (rooted with Android 2.1) and she loves it. She is a big book reader, and brings this tablet with her quite a lot now.
Bookends! LOL I didn't dare send them back, waaaay too much money. Cheaper to keep them and do something creative with them...hmmmmm
Feverhost, so far the girls are loving them. I can't get the Android Market or get youtube videos to play but from what I've been reading...all in due time. Though I'm afraid to try and do any hacking/updating cause I don't want to ruin them. SlideMe seems to have supplied the girls with enough interesting apps, so for now, that'll just have to work. And we love the B&N app!