I need a manual and serious help with my new tablet


Apr 6, 2012
I just got a Google Android 10" 2.3 tablet. Superpad III. What came in the box was the tablet, AC adapter, GPS antenna and a very small user's manual. There wasn't any info on the fact that there is a stylus in the corner of the tablet to touch the screen with. No manual with pictures of all the port, buttons, etc. and explanations of what they are. The little book that came with it mentions putting an app on the dock. I have come to believe the dock is a spot on the screen with Quickpic, browser and the icon to get to a bunch of apps. Shouldn't there be a book that explains what the dock is? I mean I'm 99% new to this thing. The 1% I've figured out myself. I didn't know I could speak words to search by. I found out myself by accident. Can this thing be connected to the peer to peer computers in my house?

By now you can see how little I know. Where do I get help? I think I should have at least two manuals. One for the tablet itself and one for the software. Microsoft has help within the OS and applications as well as online. I can look up how to set up a printer. Example: I used to work on computer systems. When Win 95 first was released one of our customers put it on MANY of their PCs. I got a request to set up all the computers in an office to print to one printer which was connected to a PC via the parallel port. I looked up how to do it on the computer's Win95 help from MS. Is there something like that for an Android tablet? Can I print from the tablet via USB to a printer?

I don't want to take up everyone's time on this forum. That's why I think a book or two will help me.

Thanks for any help in advance,

Thanks for the help. I have a manual to show how to do things like lock the screen, play music, etc. It is a PDF file. Can I open it on the tablet? Is there an adobe reader or equivalent for the tablet? I want to make sure I understand some terms. Is Android the operating system like MS Windows 7 is the operating system on my PC? If that's the case will I get a new manual for the applications I install? I want apps to perform office work like MS Office. How do I get them? I've seen info on free apps. Are there apps to buy also? Shouldn't I have gotten a manual just for the tablet I got? One that shows the location of every button and port and what they are for? I just found out about a pointing stylus by watching a video on youtube. I should have gotten a book showing things like that I think. I bought it off ebay and am wondering if I got one that was returned and I didn't get everyting I was supposed to. Also on the video the tablet that was unpacked had a small set of earphones. If they normally come with most tablets that's another thing that might indicate mine isn't "brand new, never unboxed". As far as brand name of my tablet. I have a sticker on the back that says infoTMIC, ANDROID 2.3, DDR II 512M. I think the 512M is the RAM. Is imfoTMIC the company? They have a site. There is so much I don't know about this product it's scary.

My desires if possible:
1. Office applications like work processor, spreadsheet and database. I use MS Office on my PC. Is there an application for the tablet that enables me to copy a database to the tablet, edit records, then copy it back to the PC? Even if there is a different app for databases can the data be converted to be read on both systems? I know I'm asking a lot for what I paid for the tablet. I think for what I'm thinking of I would just need a laptop.

2. Can the tablet access the Inet when I'm away from home? Right now I use my router in the house. I keep reading about mobile networks. This is one reason I wanted one of these things. My son brings his to my house and has Inet access. I think he gets the access through his company but I'm not sure. He works for Verizon so he has an account with them for his phone. EDIT: I was reading and think I'll need a provider for away from home inet access. I'll be checking on that.

3. In the Android 2.3.4 manual it refers to using it on a phone. Is it the same on a tablet as on a phone that uses it? If so, what are alternatives to Android, not for my tablet per say, just for my information so I don't feel any stubider than I already do when reading about all this.

That's enough for now I think. Once again you see I'm not familiar with tablets or their potential. I will learn though and appreciate all the help I can get here. I hope someone helping me doesn't become a part time job though. :D

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A manual that was suggested has been a big help. I just replace the word phone with tablet and everything else seems to be the same. One thing though. I can't get my tablet to call anyone. Can't figure out what's wrong. :) I did get an app that let's me work with MS Office Word and spreadsheet files, not Access database files though. I can see where these things are one of those things living without is completely easy until after you have had one for a while. It's also amazing to me that a forum like this exists where people share knowledge and experiences to help others. Especially people who are lacking in knowledge as I am. I'd like to thank those who helped me. :D Everyone else can do the jumping off the peer thing. Just kidding of course. :D The best thing about the tablet that I like is being able to sit in any room, any chair in the house and access the inet. Talk about getting spoiled. I don't think I'll get a provider for inet access when away from the house. That would be nice I guess and I may do it later but I don't think I need that. Of course until a week ago I had no intention of owning a tablet. :confused:


I found out last night I could connect the tablet to my PC and access shared folders on the PC. I copied files to the tablet but can't copy files to the PC from the tablet. I think I need to make the tablet discoverable to the PC. Then I can "add a device" if it isn't detected automatically. I'll be looking into this. Does anyone know more about it?

I also want to find out how to set the tablet up with a WiFi connection to print from it. I think I read that I can connect the printer to my USB port but I don't want to have to do that.

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