I think I might pull my hair out...


Apr 5, 2012
I bought my niece a sylvania sytab7mx for her bday. She took it home and played with it for 4 days. She brought it to me and says..."it doesnt work". I attempted to boot it up and it went to home screen... However, I am was unable to do anything else. The touch screen isnt working. It just stays at the home screen. I have attempted to puch the screen and menu/ home without successful reboot. It does nothing. I was advosed to upload the os and it should fix the problem. I searched the forum without finding the correct post. It comes with 2.2 so ....what do I do? Thank you in advance for your help . Please provide direct links if possible because I am obviously not tech savvy
See if you can plug in a usb mouse (not a wireless) and an arrow will pop up. If that happens and you can move the pointer around, it is the touch screen, if not it is a software problem... either way call DigitalGadgets and get an RMA (or used their contact form on their website, it's faster) and send it back.