Ice Cream Sandwich Wishlist


Apr 18, 2011
Okay, I know this is in the wrong area - but this is the closest place I could find to post something like this;) If a mod feels that this is innapropriate for the area, then feel free to move or delete this thread.

Anyhow - with Honeycomb (for the most part) completed update-wise, and Ice Cream Sandwich on the way; likely this fall; a wishlist seems in order. Actually - no, we need one. ;) It promises a lot, and so far it looks really great. But what fun is it waiting without speculation and some form

So, post what you think should be (or needs to be) included in Ice Cream Sandwich! Anything - from core OS features to accompanying updates to the Android Market - is great. So, without further ado, wishlists!

*Smoother OS interaction.
Honeycomb is all fine and dandy, but the OS still needs a lot of spit'n polish to be really smooth, flowing. iOS nails that. With a bit more speed, snappyness to it people would appreciate Android a lot more and iOS would lose another peice of its advantage.

*Better integration with external storage.
I love the fact that most Droid devices have external storage support. Makes it so much easier to load up extra music and movies without taking up internal space. But why not take it a few steps further and provide the ability to directly load any file directly to SD cards; USB drives; and other media; right from the tablet (WITHOUT having to use a file manager)? Or perhaps provide the ability to set a different default save location - instead of snapping a pic and saving it to the internal storage, why not have it instantly move over to the SD card?

*Ice Cream Sandwich Dispensers!
Because we all love Ice Cream...:cool:

*Prevent any manufacterer (no matter how much they beg/demand) from removing stock Android apps.
This one is annoying for many owners. Some manufacterers decide to remove apps from the Android OS when designing their custom edition of the OS that are fairly critical to some people. Replacing them, sure (of course, that app must live up to Google's expectations); but NOT getting rid of them entirely. That is just pointless.

Probably more to come.
Why wish when here are the expected features for all devices to come that are capadible with the os
according to ""

Android 2.4 – AKA: Android 4.0 or Android Ice Cream Sandwich – is on the way. Google’s just putting the finishing touches to the platform and as the release date approaches, we decided it’s high time to take a look at what you can expect to see inside.
For starters though it’s worth pointing out two things. One, Android 2.4 will work on all devices – yes, even older models – and two, the platform is designed to unify Google’s highly fragmented mobile platform. No doubt there will be some ‘issues’ along the way, but at least Google’s taking a step in the right direction.
So what else, apart from platform unification, can we expect from Android 2.4? Quite a bit as it goes – Android Ice Cream Sandwich is a big update. In fact, it’s easily one of Google’s most ambitious moves to date.

Face Tracking
It used to be the thing of Sci-Fi films and Phillip K. Dick novels, but now facial recognition is a reality – and what’s more, it’s coming to Android 2.4. The general idea behind this facial recognition software is to aid in the process of video conferencing, the camera’s focus will follow you when you move about. But we can also see some very cool gaming applications for it too.
Expect plenty more cool applications once developers get their hands on the APIs.
Android Honeycomb’s UI is destined to appear on smartphones when Android 2.4 lands. That means a new app launcher, multitasking panel, holographic UI, tabbed browsing, improved widget functionality and a whole host more.
USB support If gaming is your thing, but you despise touchscreen controls then Android 2.4 could very well be the platform you’ve been waiting for. According to reports, Android Ice Cream Sandwich will feature USB Hosting, which will let you plug pretty much anything, like a PS3 controller, for instance, into the device and use it as a controller.
New APIs Google has also confirmed that it will be releasing a new set of APIs that will allow developers to scale their applications (either up or down) for tablets and smartphones. It’s a move that’s been a long time in the making, but we’re glad Google has finally implemented it. We still have nightmares about just how bad applications look on the Dell Streak.

Better, faster updates One of the biggest annoyances associated with Android is just how slowly updates are pushed out. Granted, this isn’t Google’s fault. It’s the networks and manufacturers – as usual. So how is Google going to get around this issue? Simple: it’s formed an alliance. The Open Handset Alliance, to be specific.
‘Android has teamed up with OEMs like HTC, Motorola, Samsung and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon,’
Of course, this deal is limited to the US at present but we’d expect Google to expand it globally as Android moves forward – at least, we hope it does. Still, even with all this planning we still can’t see google matching apple up front...

soooooo.... Android 2.4 will be an actually linux operating system, advance tablets to come, Smart laptops and netbooks being designed for this operating system, as far as smartphones go, I wouldnt have a clue how far they will go. Android will probably turn into the most advanced OS over rulling osx as far as linux goes.

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well having just learnt that you cant install apps to the sd cards on honeycomb, i wish that the next update adds that feature.
@brandysnap: that's actually a good point you have there; never thought about that. There are programs that can apparently mive apps to an SD card, but having it as a bulit-in function would make things a lot easier. Functions like that should be built into the OS in the first place. I personally like to keep my apps on the internal storage, since tablets usually have a lot of storage space. But I see how that could be very useful.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
They probably develop it like windows, different teams and new ideas on each os. 3.0 was tablet and netbook based, so the idea of a2sd was a waiste since because of the internal storage is so great. Now for a mobile device, its essential.

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum
App2SD is the biggest thing for me... Some apps, like Gameloft games, require HUGE files to be stored in order to run, Co-pilot Live is another example. I would be tickled to death with that one added feature, I have a 32gb card with plenty of space...
I would like to see a possibility for multi user screen for tablet so that different users (like here in the family) could each log-in to there own mail, facebook, skype etc. account.
Or am i the only one that lets other people use there tablet?
Android 2.4 will be meant for phones rather than tablets.

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum
@rgocal: I sure hope it does more than simply bring the Honeycomb style UI to phones. Well, we know it WILL bring face tracking and recognition software, so if they're doing something that big, it stands to reason they're also doing a bunch of other things.

@tinamar: Nice idea. Makes a lot of sense. I might not use it but I can imagine a LOT of others would really want something like that.

@the_incredible_z: App2SD could be quite useful now that I think about it, especially for those who keep lotsa media on their tablet (I like to keep a fair library on my TF and MSD cards).

I'm really hoping, though, that they provide a better PDF/book reading experience on the tablet. The apps that are generally included in both stock and non-stock Honeycomb right now that serve this purpose are not really up to spec - they don't use the screen effectively, pages load slowly, and images don't load in nearly their full resolution (that really bugs me).

The browser also seems to be laggy with text entry, I hope they fix that.

Oh! And I would like it a lot more if they allowed you to write app reviews from your tablet. Not being able to do THAT gets annoying (although this is more of something for the Market itself than Ice Cream Sandwich - but maybe afterwards they'll share the same app? Then reviews could be written).

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
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One of the newest 4g phones coming to verizon will roll out with 2.4 which in turn will release onto the sdk. I forgot which phone it was called tho:/
I was also told that this new AOS was capadible with every and most android devices, even those running 2.1 eclair so lets keep our fingers crossed. Lots of ports and devd firmwares will follow withen the week im guessing.

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum
One of the newest 4g phones coming to verizon will roll out with 2.4 which in turn will release onto the sdk. I forgot which phone it was called tho:/
I was also told that this new AOS was capadible with every and most android devices, even those running 2.1 eclair so lets keep our fingers crossed. Lots of ports and devd firmwares will follow withen the week of release im guessing.

*droid prime is the releaseing mobile device on verizon carriers

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum