ics aka android 4.0


Jan 4, 2012
hello, do someone know when my tablet will recieve ics? cause i blught this tablet 3 days ago angould be mad if it wont recieve more updates than the recent one aka 3.2.1
cause i have read that ics will improve gaming on phones and tablets.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Doubt it will improve games really, but the Transformer will definately get an update to ICS.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
isc will improve game experience and some more after what i have read

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Just not sure how, the processors used in the new tablets definately allow for greater graphics processing, but ICS? I really don't think it will do much for the gaming experience. Probably better global data sharing, and better memory management, but I think the improvements we will experience will be more in the GUI user experience than anything else. Multitasking maybe? probably not.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum