ICS GSM Galaxy 7.7 Wifi problems with multiple APs with same SSID


Oct 6, 2012
Hi all,
I wonder if any of you are having similar experiences and refer me to possible fixes.
When I am at a location where multiple access points (using wifi-analyzer I can see this) with same SSID such as airport lounges, my tablet cannot connect.
It tries and drop off to "saved" state. The tablet works fine when single access points like at home or other small public places like small internet cafes.
List of places that I have problem include SF airport, HK airport, Taipei airport and other US cities airport.
Mine is GSM model 7.7 with ICS. I dont remember if previous firmware had same issue or not but I think it may also had these symptoms.
Many if not most of those types of public hot spots require that you acknowledge some sort of use agreement. The only way to do that is to open a browser rather than trying to connect directly. It should present you with a check box to agree to the terms.
I've similar problem with vien64. I don't know whether they are multiple APs.

As I enable the WiFi, it keeps scanning for all available SSIDs. When I pick up one of the available public SSIDs with status "saved, secured ....", the status of that SSID becomes "Not in range" and scanning stops and then after about ten seconds it starts again. Other than "Not in range" SSIDs, no more public SSID appears and scanning never stops.

BTW, is there any way to stop scanning other than disabling the WiFi and starting again.