ICS upgrade a mixed bag


Aug 11, 2012
Mostly I have liked the upgrade to ICS. However, my SD card has been messed up ever since. While the File Manager on the tablet sees only one copy of everything, Windows Explorer sees five copies. Neither Google Play Music or Winamp can play any of the MP3s stored on the SD2 card. Play Music just displays "Couldn't play the track you requested". I've tried clearing the music store and deleting all of the files from the card several times and reimporting the files. It works for a time but the next time I power up, it fails again.

I am able to select an MP3 in File Manager and have it play in Winamp and I can open PDFs that are stored on the SD2.

I've found references suggesting that formatting the SD card will solve this, however I have not been able to find anyway to do so. It is not one of the options when I right-click on the SD2 when I have the tablet connected to Windows.

I'm looking for some help and suggestions what to try next to get this resolved. Thanks in advance.

Yes, try that ^. You can pick up a simple usb card reader for less than $10. Connect to the PC, insert the SD card and then try formatting the card.
Is it possible the card is just not fully seated in the card slot? I know le pan suggests removing and reseating the sdcard if a bad file or file not found error occurs.
Try another sd card if you have one laying around.
There is always the chance that maybe the card is going bad.
But formatting it may save it. :cool: