ICS Xoom and an IP issue here.


Jan 14, 2012
I have the Xoom, of course, from the factory with ICS. Recently because of some problems I decided to so a factory backup and reset. This issue I speak of was ongoing before the reset and is still ongoing and is this:

Every time I turn the Xoom on it's lost it's IP address, I suspect, because I have to go turn the modem/router off and reset it. Then the Xoom will recognize an IP address. Now, my SSID is "available" during this bad event but will not connect. It says connecting but doesn't. So, reset the modem/router and all is well. I figure it's for some reason losing the IP info. Que?

Oh, if it's of any help it's the Stupinity Black Tower of Doom. Comcrust's latest, "The future of Awful" Does it sound like I have issues with them. Well yes, but that's another story line. Right now I wonder why this losing the IP or the ability to connect happens every time I turn the Xoom off.

Any help would, as always, be greatly appreciated. Jack ":-D
I have a link in my signature with some WiFi tips and tricks. And the problem may be with your router, but I suspect inputting fixed IP and DNS information in your tablet will fix the problem. If you On the WiFi connection and go to settings – advanced you will eventually get to a spot where you can put that information in an all lose it.
Thanks leeshor: now, before I go off that road howz come all my other devices aren't losing there's. I have an older PDA that doesn't and the XP laptop and the HP desktop do not lose their IP addresses? Any thoughts there? The suggestion FIXED IP and DNS information, this is found easily in the SETTINGS of the XOOM? I will check. I have looked at settings and do not see it in a brief look, what would it be under? Thanks again! jack
The only way I can explain that is that different operating systems react differently to WiFi and then there is also the issue of different chipsets that don't treat WiFi the same. And the fact that you're using Android is just one more thing to add the mix.
Hmmm. I should have mentioned that for quite some time the Xoom didn't do this. Even when this newer modem was hooked up it didn't do it. It just started it out of the blue. I hate those "out of the blue" thingers. They're hard to track down. Thanks again! jack ":-\