Import Contacts From Phone or Computer?


Aug 22, 2012
This is my first tablet so this may well be a foolish noob question. I've looked through the forums and can't seem to find the info so I'm starting a new thread. Hopefully I didn't just miss an existing thread. I really hate it when people make new threads for something that has been answered elsewhere (often more than once).

I would like to import the contacts from my phone or computer email to my TF700. I am NOT interested in importing anything from work or connecting with my Exchange account at work.

Is there a simple app for this or is it just not really going to happen? I'd love to be able to just sync from the backup of contacts on Verizon but I don't suppose that will happen since the tablet isn't a phone. I really don't want to have to recreate the wheel and enter each and every contact manually!
There are quite a few ways to export then import contacts from various mail clients. You didn't say if your Verizon phone was Android since that would be easy. If you go to your Google Mail account you can import your contacts and they provide some instructions on how to do that. If you use Thunderbird for mail there is an add-on to do real syncing with Google, (all the Google contacts will show up on your tablet once there).

For Outlook you can do a search for Gsyncit or Gocontactsync.
There are quite a few ways to export then import contacts from various mail clients. You didn't say if your Verizon phone was Android since that would be easy. If you go to your Google Mail account you can import your contacts and they provide some instructions on how to do that. If you use Thunderbird for mail there is an add-on to do real syncing with Google, (all the Google contacts will show up on your tablet once there).

For Outlook you can do a search for Gsyncit or Gocontactsync.

Yes, my phone is a Droid Incredible 2. I was really hoping to NOT have to go via Google. Why does everybody want Google to have all of their information? I also see a lot of info on importing contacts from Twitter or Facebook. I don't do either of those. I don't need a million bogus "friends" and don't really give a dang about what someone I know did that they think the world needs to know about when it really doesn't matter a bit.

I was just hoping to import my contacts from one Android device to another or from a major email client (Thunderbird) to my tablet. Weirdly enough, I don't even see a way to import a contact from an email I receive. What's up with that? Pretty much any email program should be able to take the info from a received email and import it into the contacts list but I don't find a way to do it with the email program on this tablet. That's just lame.
If you are using a Droid phone and the tablet has the same login Google account the contacts should be there. If you are using Thunderbird there is an add-on called Gcontectsync that will sync any or all of your contact info, including "accumulated" contacts, either in one direction or both.

If you are trying not to deal with Google, you're too late. ;)
@mgullick: I'm on your side about wanting to minimize my interaction with Google, but as leeshor said, that's pretty tough with any android device. If the default email app doesn't import contacts, then you should just hunt for a different email app. I'm actually not even sure of the native format of the contact list, but if you can find a way to export them from elsewhere, there should be an app that can import them on the new tablet.
There is another option. Web-mail. No interaction with Google required. But not my favorite.
Why not use the third party software, you can use MobiKin Assistant for Android transfer contacts from Android phone to computer easily.