Installing apps from SD card or market on rooted NC question


May 6, 2011
So I rooted my NC using manualnooter 4.5.6 because I already had 1.2 installed and I just can't seem to get any good apps installed. I have been reading all of these stickies and FAQs but can't seem to figure out this road block.

So on the market version of installing apps, I already had to fix the market so it will show a full list of apps that I want to install, as described in the FAQ. I was able to successfully install Astro File Manager as recommended here, but it keeps saying "install unsuccessful" when I try to install any others. I have already rebooted the NC a couple of times since then.

So then I tried to install an .apk from the SD card that I downloaded from getjar using the instructions in the FAQ. Astro File Manager is saying that my "phone does not let me install non-market apps".

So does anyone know why the market install is not working, or know of a way to tell my NC to allow SD card app installs?
I dont know if this is a matter of the root U use or a problem of your Nook, but just FYI at my Nook all apps install perfectly from Market or directly from SD card.
Make sure you go into settings and uncheck and recheck the box to allow non-market apps.
Well here is some more details. I can download and install several apps and games from the market except for the one app that I really want. Angry Birds! I was even able to install Angry Frogs which is a knock-off of Angry Birds if I have ever seen one. Angry Birds however and its sequels just won't install successfully. It's not the only app that won't install, but it is the main one that is baffling me.

On the SD card route, I read something about CWM being able to install .apk files using the feature. Any feedback on that method or any other ideas that I haven't considered?

I just tried unchecking and checking the box that you mentioned. Still no change.

On a separate note, I'm contemplating flashing a rom but I can't seem to find a link the the plain vanilla CM7 in the stickies. Does anyone have a link?
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