Instruction Manual For Polaroid P900 Tablet


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2017
Hi, about 6 months or so ago, I bought something I shouldn't have, I bought a 'tablet.' It seems that Polaroid just wants to sell these things, and doesn't feel that they need to educate the buyer on how to use it! I am pretty much a computer illiterate, so I had assumed that there would be a user manual available; like there was with the first computer I bought. All there was is a Quick Start Guide, no user manual. I went back to the store and they said I have to download one from the Polaroid website. I've gone to the website, and all they have for download is the Quick Start Guide and the instructions for a 'hard reset' in case you lose your password (which we have!)."
I have looked at several sites on the web, but there are no manuals to tell you how to use this thing. I've tried, on and off, to figure it out, a friend of the wife's has verified that it works OK, but that's for anyone but me!
Is there a step-by-step instruction that anyone knows of that I can copy and paste and print off so that I can figure out how to use this boat anchor that sits on my desk doing absolutely nothing? I'd like to be able to go to Google and put in searches and go to other web sites, if possible. I touched the Google Chrome button, and the screen went dark (so I guess that's an off button!). If I touch the 'g' in the left hand upper corner, I get a white screen that says "say Hi Google" but when I say that nothing happens. I really would like to find some step-by-step instructions that I can print off until I can get better at this.
Welcome - ATF (2)~01.jpg

Congrats on your "new" tablet.

Most manufacturers just include a quick start guide, with their devices.

Check out this thread for a generic manual that may help. You can also Google generic instructions, they're pretty basic with differences in the physical layout the only issue.

This link may also be of help...
Using Android Tablets - Beginners Guide

Also, a quick trip to a local bookstore should net you with a handy all in one Android guide.
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Steve's Android Guide:
"Finding your way around Android may be intuitive to those who have grown up with mobile phones and games , but for the less technical, seniors and complete beginners, it is less so."

Just what this old fart needs!
Thanks, I'll give that a spin!!
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