Internet Browswer Issues with TF101 :/


May 15, 2012
I have the Asus Transformer and am having a problem viewing full webpages with almost every single web browser. The only time this happens is when I try to access my college website. It won't let me scroll down the entire page. The only browswer that allows me to scroll the full page is Firefox and I'm not fond of Firefox at all. Can anyone please help me? I've tried ICS Browswer Plus, Dolphin HD, Chrome, Opera Mobile, Maxathon.
Welcome to the forum Jamie! Glad to have you here.

If this is happening with one website, there is a chance that the website may be coded in a way that only works with M$IE and Firefox. Sometimes codes are used specific to these but will not run properly in other browsers.

What may help is if you can provide the website if it is available to the public. If it is part of the university Intranet then it is not possible.

If you have access to a computer in your dorm room or something like that, you could try a remote solution like Splashtop (app is included in the MyCloud app on your TF101) and you can use a real computer from campus via Splashtop.