internet speed


Oct 10, 2012
Just wondering if any other tf300t users have experienced problems with very slow net speed ? Especially whilst streaming....
Just wondering if any other tf300t users have experienced problems with very slow net speed ? Especially whilst streaming....

The TF300 has not suffered from slow Internet performance. If you are having an issue the problem is very likely your connection to your router rather than the tablet (hardware). The reason I said it that way is that there are some "active" apps that can reduce performance on the Internet, Weather apps and active wallpaper are certainly suspect.

For those who have had problems the solution can be as simple as restarting the router or changing the channel. I have a link below that I developed for people with WiFi issues.
I agree with leeshor. I don't experience chronic slow speeds on mine, but some places (some wi-fi equipment) will provide a strong signal - but really crappy bandwidth.
Ok, seems to be just my problems with laptops....the more I use it the more limitations I find...

Thanks for the replies!
Ok, seems to be just my problems with laptops....the more I use it the more limitations I find...

Thanks for the replies!

It's nearly impossible to compare the laptop with your TF300. They are not using the same chipset to communicate. While there may be a problem with the TF300 I still suspect it's the router configuration. The best thing to do would be to find one or more public hotspots to see if the problem exists there.

It is very possible that you could have several other devices that work well with the router and still have a problem between the router and your TF.