Intro - new to android and new to online forums


Sep 23, 2011
I bought my tablet with the idea that I could travel with it instead of my much heavier laptop. I found that my laptop battery wouldn't last through a cross-country flight, not even for entertainment. I've been cross country with it twice now and I think it will be OK. I've also just gotten into ebooks and that's really exciting. I have 32GB of storage and about 10 GB used, mostly music, pictures and a couple of movies I ripped to AVI. I'd like to find a good free crossword app, and maybe a Scrabble app. I'm using an ebook reader I downloaded but I'd like one with a good search by author and/or title, as I have a couple of thousand book loaded and my reader seems to throw them all together and I have to page through the whole list to find what I want.
Hello Travisimi, nice to have you with us here in the forum. Glad you could join us. Since you questions are all app related, I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Apps section of the forum. Someone there should be able to help you find all the things you're looking for.