is andriod tablet better than ipad 2?

depending on how much you spend i would almost definitely say yes. android tablets are more flexible, offering you more scope to add what you want & to play around with settings, they have flash capability, additional memory capabilty allowing you to have specific memory cards for whatever you want such as movies, games etc. i agree that out of the box the ipad can be simpler to use but this is half the fun of android tabs being able to learn as you go. with custom roms, upgrades & root capability, you can configure your tab to suit your requirements exactly. if you were to spend a third of the cost of an ipad, you cna have something with at least the same capability of an ipad but much more fun to play with. for these reasons android tabs are in my opinion far better than ipads. check this link to a reliable & trustworthy chinese tablet supplier & see what else they have to offer by size, operating system, screen type etc. you will be surprised at what they can do. i have just received a yuandao dual core n90 from them & my friend, who has an ipad was amazed at what it could do for such a small price. this is just a link to 1 tab, check out the site for much more choice. you have nothing to lose by looking.

Onda VX610W Deluxe 7 Inch Android 4.0 Tablet PC Capacitive Touch Screen Allwinner A10 Onda VX610W Deluxe 7 Inch Android 4.0 Tablet PC Capacitive Touch Screen Allwinner A10 [OVX610W] - $108.99 : China Tablet PC - Android Tablet PC - Consumer Electroni
I think you have to be realistic in what you expect an Ipad is a preimium product that comes with a very preimium price, for that you get a straight out of the box product with a reliable support network, and Itunes store from which you can choose all content. There are many more incarnations of tables ranging from a few pounds to well who knows, quality also varies greatly as does manafacturer support and inparticular vendor reliabilty and support, access to the google play market is different on each devices and is also effected by the firmware you are running.

All that said an Ipad is an Ipad everybodies is the same, if you choose carefully and source a reliable vendor (check this forum, to help you decide), you can for less than half the price of the Ipad own a customisable tablet which is at the very least its equally, if you choose one of the new dual core tablets you will have a tablet that will outpreform the apple in almost every department and still be significantly cheaper. As for support forums such as this one are in my experience frequented by enthusiastic and knowlegdable indivduals who are happy to help and go out of their way to solve any problem or issue you are likely to encounter.

The choice is realy yours it's your money, choose carefully and do your research weight up the pros and cons, but in my opinion the android offer a far supierior experience with more user involment and control than an Ipad ever could.

Hope this helps you decide.
In my opinion android tablet better than iPad 2 because it is includes a security suite to keep your important data safe and compatible with MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF, and most popular media formats.
have you any guys seen a andriod tablet similar to ipad 2? i find a new one from Newman(Newsmy Newman A1 Tablet PC 9.7 Inch Android 2.3 1GB RAM 16GB Dual Camera Ultra Thin) and it is much cheaper than ipad 2. but i am a greenhand in judging the quality and configuration. so would you guys give me some advice? Thanks.

There's no android tablet similar to ipad 2 as it is very much different in design and build quality. What is there is an android tablet better than the ipad 2. the tablet you mentioned at first look maybe better than the ipad 2, but that's only when it comes to specs but to performance, durability display quality and graphics, i thinks its not better. What is better is the galaxy tab of samsung, it can match both the specs, build quality, design and performance of the ipad 2 and most of the time the samsung galaxy tab has overtaken the ipad 2 in most aspects. What you should compare is the OS, android is much superior than the iOS, it is more flexible and kess strick when it comes to changing system settings and installing third party apps. for other reasons check this link Android features that can be considered advantageous over the iPhone | for why android is better than iOS
All the posts above are opinions. In my opinion they are all pretty much correct. But there is the thing. Your asking this on a Android forum.
Truth is that both platforms are good and have their perks over the other.
Which one is best for you depends on what you want to do with your device and how much money you want to spend.
If money is no problem but you want something simple yet fancy Apple may be your way. Then again if you want to tinker with your investment, Android is a good pick.
If cash is a issue and you are on a budget then for now, Android is your best bet. Not because of customizability or ROMs but the price point.
The US market is starting to see some very good low cost Chinese tablets being sold along side all the other.
The Android platform has a great deal to chose from. Much of it is unknown so when buying you are buying and hoping for the best. With the iPad2 you know what your getting for the price your paying.

It all just depends.

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I think there is more then a few people here that either owned or tried an Ipad before deciding what to purchase. I looked at a Ipad and the Asus Transformer TF101. The TF won for multiple reasons. Such as the flexability with the operating system in regards to adjusting it to your needs. Having a SD card slot is also a great feature that the Ipad doesn't have. Price. I like the looks of the TF more as well. I also know someone that has the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and that is a very nice tablet.