Is it possible to clone an Android phone to a Android Tablet?


Mar 8, 2011
Is it possible to clone and Android phone to a an Android Tablet.

I have a Samsung Infuse and a Coby Kyros. Any suggestions where to go or what options there maybe.

Also can you transfer .apk's from the phone to Tablet? Is there a way to do this?
If your talking about porting over your firmware from your mobile device to your tablet. Realality, yes. Buut i would guess no one in this site knows how to do it and it would probably be quit a long project which i dont see anyone taking up the project.
If your mobile device is rooted, using a root file explorer or terminal to copy whatever apks from your mobile device you want from your mobile to your tablet can and sometimes be possible. Just depends if the apk is a system apk, system id apk, or a useless apk like the messaging app where tablets have no use of it. If its a system apk, ul have to push the apk to the file system to install it, if its a system id apk, it most likely wont work withouts its rightfull firmware with the needed .lib files or the device itself.

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