Is the Vigo tablet good value or junk?


Jan 19, 2013
I was going to buy my daughter a Vigo tablet and went to the Warehouse store to see one in action. She wanted a 9.7 inch screen but they only had the 7 inch on display.
when I asked the sales person to connect the 7 inch Vigo to the power supply so I could view the screen, he did not want to do this as he said it would cause some problems in charging the battery. I said I only wanted to look at the screen for 30 seconds but he still refused my request.
This made me wonder if there is something about the Vigo he did not want me to see.

i also noticed on the second hand selling site called Trademe that some owners of Vigo have had them only for a short time before selling them, in one case the owner had owned a new Vigo 9.7 tablet for two weeks before selling it.

So what are some of the weak points of this Vigo tablet which only seems to be sold by the Warehouse and Stationary Warehouse in New Zealand.
when I asked the sales person to connect the 7 inch Vigo to the power supply so I could view the screen, he did not want to do this as he said it would cause some problems in charging the battery.

Actually, this sales person is more knowledgeable than most. When plugged in for the first time, it's best if a brand new tablet is left plugged in until fully charged.