JotterPad X is a minimalist writing app writing app good for both casual and creative writers. It's perfect for writing essay, lyrics, news article, magazine and poems. Our main goal is to achieve distraction-free writing experience for our users by keeping it as simple as possible.
JotterPad X has one of the best tools for writing in Android. The app incorporates essential features such as undo, redo, night mode, finding phrase, versions. Other features which are newly introduced include: pop up research (dictionary/thesaurus), auto-save, text styling and Markdown (Beta). JotterPad X also has full Dropbox integration.
JotterPad X is now available in smartphone, 7 inch tablet and 10 inch tablet.
Some of the JotterPad X features include:
1. Full Dropbox Integration
2. Undo & Redo
3. Night mode [Creative Version]
4. Versions [Creative Version]
5. Auto-save document to versions
6. Find exact phrase in document
7. Compatible with physical & bluetooth keyboard
8. Shortcut keys for keyboard (E.g. ctrl + Z for Undo)
9. Research - Popup Dictionary
10. Research - Popup Thesaurus [Creative Version]
11. Share document
12. Export as .pdf #
13. Live Word Count
14. Markdown (Beta) [Creative Version]
15. Lock Screen [Creative Version]
16. Adjust text styles
17. Auto-hide Actionbar
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jotterpad.x&hl=en