just got a viewsonic g tablet


Mar 20, 2011
HI! i'm new to these forums and is nice to see that is a great comunity
i would like to ask some questions to some owners fo the viewsonic g tablet.
My gf gave me one as a birthday gift and i'm not familiar with android.

I have an iphone 2g 16gb and it has served me well.
I Don't like the IPAD , thats why i was thinking of buying a different tablet i have a trusty (hp tc 1100) but i need another one with better battery.

I'm wondering some things can i do the following with the tablet?
.-Download files from internet and transfer them to usb.
.-Transfer avi files from pc to tablet and watch them
.-you tube
I would like to know of the following apps exists in google marketplace.
.-MSNlive, yahoo,facebook,myspace,badoo,justin tv,skype.(official ones , not third party)

I dont care about games(i have a 360 or pc for that)

I have seen that there are a lot of roms for this tablet, but was wondering, what is considered the most stable rom that can acces marketplace.

Thank you so much for your time and help!
Welcome! Yes, you can do all of those things on the grab, and most of the ROMS are actually quite stable. I like either TnT or VEGAn as a starting point.

Again, welcome!

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using the Android Tablet app!
Meant gtab, not grab. Darn auto correct..lol. also, most of those apps are available.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using the Android Tablet app!
thank you. , the only thing that i'm not liking is that there is no manual on the tablet( would like to change the homescreen, don't know if that's possible)
i used to have an LG incite and on that phone i tried a lot of roms , lol.
Is there a way to keep it vanilla and acces the official marketplace?
ATM i would not like to install any rom , untill i feel that i need to, and also, maybe viewsonic releses a 3.0 android update.(who knows)

Again, thanks for your time!(i'm reading a lot of treads ATM)

how do you donwload files from xdadevelopers. i created an account and it doesn't let download or post.
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The link you provided says w/supplments. Meaning you will have to reflash. Make a backup with CWR before flashing.
I guess I can't have any fun, huh Fuganater?


To install the suppliments, just place them in the root of the device and reboot. It works like a service pack and will update your ROM, but not re-install the whole thing. I think in the post where you downloaded the ROM from they have a 'how-to' install suppliments. Anyway, you can always search as well.

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