Just got it in this morning. Couple Questions


Aug 25, 2010
Just got mine in and finished getting it on my network. Going to root it later today after I pick up an SD card and some other gear for it. Planning to do development work for our office looking towards business use in a year or so.

Simple question. How the deuce do you change the wallpaper or just get rid of it and use a solid background. I would think Sounds and Display under settings but no option i can see for something as simple as wallpaper.
Long press on an empty spot on the home screen (desktop). A menu will pop up, allowing you to change wallpaper (among other things).
Next question:
Trying to pull some apps from various places on the web. Each one I try demands a google login. I enter one of my google accounts and it reports a failure after a inute or two.

What am I missing here? Or is this related to the Market Patch I've seen mentioned a number of times?
now youre into the market patch.

it seems to work for most folks (not me sigh), but there are SO many alternative sources I have only found ONE app that was SO industry specific I couldnt find it anywhere else, and I was able to get someone else to grab it for me, and although I would never suggest any illegal or pirate sites I do know for a FACT that you can download archives of DVD size full of APK's pf all kinds.

Me, I found mine on the same sites where I find all my Bittorrents
Next Question/Problem:
Installed an SD card. Installed the USB update on my PC. I can plug the Gentouch into the USB cable and see the drives fine on my PC. Able to copy files to it.
When it's accessed in the file Explorer on the Gentouch the folder/sdcard only shows an empty folder named LOST.DIR and none of the files copied to it.

From the PC side the card shows the following folders:

None of them are visible from the Gentouch and none of the files (which I tried copying to every one of the folders)

P.S. Also tried sd format in settings with erase all to no effect. I didn't actually erase anything.

The card displayed on the PC as formatted FAT32.

Any ideas? Am I doing something inordinately dumb?
if you mounted the card from the notification bar.. it will either say "usb.... (internal)".. or "usb....(external)"...
if you hit the internal your files are in the "Nand" directory on the device.. go up to the main directory for the device in your file manager and you'll find the NAND directory there..

if the sd isn't showing, "(external)" option.. hook the device via the data cable to the pc and then you'll need to go to the main settings on the device to "sd card&tablet-pc storage".. tap the "unmount SD card".. once it says it's safe to remove.. eject it from the device, you DON'T need to take it out just eject it.. then re-insert it.. after it remounts the card it should show the option to mount the external drive in the notification bar now.. now you can transfer files back and forth to the SD card...
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Silly me, I was looking in the folder named sdcard. Why there would be a folder named sdcard with nothing in it, and the actual sdcard mounted to a folder named nand.... that's like some of the sick cruel things we used to do to users long, long time ago when I was a DEC machine language programmer.

Thanks though. Starting to figure things out bit by bit. Just get impatient in my old age.
Silly me, I was looking in the folder named sdcard. Why there would be a folder named sdcard with nothing in it, and the actual sdcard mounted to a folder named nand.... that's like some of the sick cruel things we used to do to users long, long time ago when I was a DEC machine language programmer.

Thanks though. Starting to figure things out bit by bit. Just get impatient in my old age.

NO.. you don't understand.. these are two seperate directories...

the "Nand" directory is the 2 gig of flash that's included with the device from the factory...

the "sdcard" directory is the physical sd card that you inserted in to the device...

to gain access to the sd card via the usb cable to the pc you have to unmount it and reseat the card like i discribed in the prior message... then mount it to the pc via the option in the notification bar after you've reinserted it...
You get 2GB of Internal Storage and if you opt to buy microSDHC of 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB then everything goes into a download folder. But if you don't have the microSDHC then it falls back into the nand folder. I would recommend getting a 4GB or larger microSDHC. I would also recommend getting Class 4 mbps over Class 2 = 2mbps.
now youre into the market patch.

it seems to work for most folks (not me sigh), but there are SO many alternative sources I have only found ONE app that was SO industry specific I couldnt find it anywhere else, and I was able to get someone else to grab it for me, and although I would never suggest any illegal or pirate sites I do know for a FACT that you can download archives of DVD size full of APK's pf all kinds.

Me, I found mine on the same sites where I find all my Bittorrents

Are you aware of the new way to get market working? You no longer are using the emulator to get an ID. With this fix you are assigned an ID from Google, and it remains working.

Are you aware of the new way to get market working? You no longer are using the emulator to get an ID. With this fix you are assigned an ID from Google, and it remains working.



and just where might one find this fix?
Okay. Got it now. Misunderstood what I was seeing. Got both the Internal and External mount notifications and finally saw how it was working. I'm fairly conversant in Windows and Linux but this is the first time trying to work with and get familiar with Android.

Appreciate the help. Still figuring things out as I go along but getting there.

NO.. you don't understand.. these are two seperate directories...

the "Nand" directory is the 2 gig of flash that's included with the device from the factory...

the "sdcard" directory is the physical sd card that you inserted in to the device...

to gain access to the sd card via the usb cable to the pc you have to unmount it and reseat the card like i discribed in the prior message... then mount it to the pc via the option in the notification bar after you've reinserted it...