Just got the thrive

Congratulations on the new tablet. The thrive seems to be an instant hit, lots of posts from people who got them this week.
you do not have to wait for charge
just start it up and set your settings to never sleep and have fun
Well I was waiting for the screen protector to "cure" more. I paid to have best buy do it, as I did the one on my archos, and had terrible luck with mini dust specks and hair. So far the only beef I've had is I've had an issue getting it to wake up after letting it "sleep" for extended periods. I haven't timed it, but if the screen is off for only a few minutes it has no problem waking to the lockscreen, but if its longer than that the power button doesn't seem to wake it up, just stays in sleep mode, I can tell because of the handy LED indicator. So I end up long pressing to shut it down and rebooting. Its minor, as boot time is fairly quick, but it is annoying.

Otherwise I love it though.

Sent from my AT100 using Android Tablet Forum
Ii am really loving my Thrive right now. Connected a wirefless USB keyboard/trackball and HDMI to my tv. I will probably go back and forth between this and my Nook/CM7 setup. I can't wait for the hacking community to work on this device.

Sent from my AT100 using Tapatalk
Just like you, I'm going back and forth between my Thrive and my Nook Color/CM7. My only problem with the Thrive is the power button. I wish it was further away from the volume button and a bit more tactile. Otherwise it's an excellent tablet.