Just joined (newbie)


Feb 18, 2013
Hi everyone,
I just purchased the asus tf700t Tablet.
I am new to the Tablet world so need all the step by step help I can get in learning how to "run" it beginning with turning it on. (smiles)
I am heading over to the Q&A place to see if I can learn something to get me started.
Thank you for letting me join and having a wonderful forum.
Hi Marne, congratulations on your new TF700 and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. Another place to learn more about your tablet would be the Asus TF700 Forum. Read through the threads already posted there pertaining to things you're interested in knowing more about. If you have any questions regarding a discussion, reply to the thread and ask them. If something you're interested in isn't being discussed, start a new thread with a meaningful title and begin a new discussion. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum!