Just received my Panimage 7" Tablet powered by Android - is this by PanDigital?


Dec 18, 2010
Just received my Panimage 7" Tablet powered by Android today - is this by PanDigital?The name is different but their logo is near the same.. font and everything.

I am having problems right out of the box. I cannot get it to connect to my wireless internet. I have a pc, laptop, and ipod connected with no problems.

It finds the wifi and then seconds later says it is not in range. Even when "in range" the explorer says it's not connected.
Anyone have the same problems or ideas to help a gal out?
Thanks so much!
I'm sorry to hear that jdavis. That is a big time bummer! =(

I am not familiar with your tablet, but i'm sure someone on here would definitely be able to assist you with your tablet WIFI problem. Let's hope there is an easy and quick solution to this. Nothing worse than getting a new tablet and it not working correctly.
That seems to be an issue with the Panimage 7" most people send them back and hope the replacement is functional. There may be a fix out there. Was this purchased from QVC?
I received one as an early Christmas present. Over the past two weeks, I have been trying to find out about an update to 2+ as it is 1.6; there is no attempt to do an update. It is going back to QVC Monday (before the holiday) secondary to the micro sd card slot. I literally lost my brand-new card inside the tablet tonight. I didn't feel as if the card was locked in because it apparently sticks outside the tablet. After five attempts to secure it in the slot, it went either above or below the flimsy board. I don't care if it is made my Pan-whoever, it is not worth the money my lady paid!!! I will stick to my iPod Touch and envy my son's Android phone. The tablet is dog-slow on browsing and Youtube is useless.
Doubt it is built by Pandigital, it is a lesser tablet than the Novel processor wise I think.

You might do a search for your make/model and see if you find any help.

As to the wireless problem, you might try setting your network to transmit the ssid and see if it connects. If it does disconnect and connect a couple of times and then turn the ssid off and try the tablet. If it does not connect you may have to transmit the ssid all the time.

This is a common problem with android tablets. Also you might double check your password, it is easy to make a mistake.
Just received my Panimage 7" Tablet powered by Android today - is this by PanDigital?The name is different but their logo is near the same.. font and everything.

I am having problems right out of the box. I cannot get it to connect to my wireless internet. I have a pc, laptop, and ipod connected with no problems.

It finds the wifi and then seconds later says it is not in range. Even when "in range" the explorer says it's not connected.
Anyone have the same problems or ideas to help a gal out?
Thanks so much!

It is indeed made by Pandigital. Take a look at this Hard to Believe - PanImage 7" Touchscreen Android WiFi Tablet for $129.96
I got mine yesterday in the mail from QVC. WiFi is fine. The stuff I have been using it for seems to work though it loads slowly at times. Touch screen is much better than the Pandigital Novel I bought to try out as well. Haven't loaded any apps on it yet but will try soon.

One or both is going back to QVC in January. Got a month to play with them.
Some of the pandigital tablets will not connect with wpa you may have success switching to wep. Keep in mind it is less secure, this however is MY ONLY WAY I can connect to wifi. Hope it helps

Sent from my PD_Novel using Tapatalk
I got the Panimage Tablet for Christmas and I have had this problem as well. I actually think it's a wireless router problem and not a tablet problem. This is so since I took it to a couple of public WiFi venues and it connected fine. The only way I got it to connect to my home router was to actually put the tablet within a few inches of the router while I did an input of all the connection data (network password, etc.). After that, it connected fine and worked no matter where I was located in the house. However, if I use it in a different venue, then I sometimes have to open up the WiFi setting app and reconnect to my home network. Also, it will disconnect if I put it in hibernate mode and then it will not always reconnect automatically when I wake it up. So, again, I will have to go into the WiFi setting app and reconnect or--if that doesn't work--then simply exit out and reboot the tablet. All in all I'm very pleased with my tablet and none of these issues are much different than the ones I encounter regularly with my desktop at home and at work. To be honest, I've seen a lot of people report problems with this tablet that I have also encountered, but eventually resolved by "swallowing my pride" and simply reading the instruction booklet. : )