Keyboard For Galaxy Note 10.1 - 2014 Version


Junior Member
May 22, 2014
Hi there. First post to the forums here, so I'll give it a go.

Long story short is I bought a Galaxy Note 10.1 - 2014 Version, followed by a "Kensington Keyfolio Pro 2 Universal" keyboard the day after I bought the tablet. I was initially ecstatic about the tablet (which is phenomenal) and keyboard, until my worst nightmare had risen.

Basically, after HOURS and HOURS of research to try and fix the problem, my Kensington Bluetooth Keyboard keeps disconnecting (or sleeping?) almost instantly after I'm done typing. I've tried re-pairing it, looking in bluetooth settings, making sure no other device is interfering with the connection, etc., ALL to no avail.


1) Does anybody know how to fix this damn problem? I can't type more than a sentence without a 8 second delay, from the time the keyboard decides to turn off, to the type it "un-sleeps" when I push a button.

2) Is there a keyboard out there that will stay ON and CONTINUOUSLY ON unless I manually turn it off? I don't care if the battery dies every 4-5 hours, as long as the damn thing stays ON. I've found a couple online I'm interested in, but I'm afraid they'll have the same problem.

Please help:(

Thanks guys! I really appreciate any feedback!
Welcome to the forum

That seems like a keyboard issue rather than a tablet issue. Have you check with Kensington to see if they are aware of the problem.
Hi Chadwick, congratulations on your new Galaxy Note 10.1 and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. When you get a chance, please go to your profile and fill in the Tablet / Device entry. That way folks will know which tablet you have without you having to tell them every time. Enjoy your tablet and the forum.
Welcome to the forum

That seems like a keyboard issue rather than a tablet issue. Have you check with Kensington to see if they are aware of the problem.

Thanks for the reply. I previously tried calling Kensington, but I'm going to try again and see if I can get somebody on the phone that speaks English.

I'd like to believe it's a keyboard issue as well, but can you imagine buying another $80 keyboard and have it doing the same thing? Yikes!

Thanks guys, any other suggestions?