Kyros 8024 not starting. Bricked??


Mar 11, 2012
I don't know a whole lot about tablets, so I am not sure what is wrong with my Kyros. I am hoping somebody can tell me, and maybe point me in the direction of how to fix this thing. I am assuming it is bricked, but not sure if it is a hard or soft brick, or where to even begin.

My niece was playing on it today and the battery was running low so I told her to plug it in and let it charge. I went back a couple of hours later to use it and it was completely reset beck to default. Default apps, home screen, files...everything. I asked her what she did, if she changed anything, or whatever, and she denied everything...darn kids ;) lol.

Anyway. I unplugged it and it seemed kinda laggy. Things froze while swiping the screen or trying to adjust settings. I figured maybe it just needed to reboot. So i turned it off, let it set a few and turned it back on. It would not go past the android screen. After a few more attempts (with the same results) I decided to try resetting it. Apparently that was the kick in the groin because it has not worked since. It is down for the count.

At the moment, the only thing that happens is when I push the power button, the four hard button / icons (search, back, menu, & bookmark) on the bottom light up. That is it. If I let off the power button the lights go off. If I hold the power button they stay on for about 10 seconds then turn off. That's it...nothing else.

I have tried the reset button again, that does nothing. I have tried power + home, and that does nothing. My computer does detect it when plugged in, but it can't locate the driver so it just says that it won't work.

So, bricked I assume? Hard Bricked? Any idea what I should do from here? My youngest daughter uses this thing like everyday to play on and stuff, and she is pretty upset, so I am hoping I can do something... I did search a few threads, but most dealt with other versions of the tablet, or did not have the same symptoms, or had no answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated on this. Thanks!!
Other than opening it and checking that, you could try putting a firmware on a microsd and try reflashing the firmware. You could use the CFW GingerLF Evo from here or I think there has been a stock firmware posted, not sure.

OK, I will pop-it open in a bit and take a looksee. Maybe she dropped it or something...

Do you know what firmware I should use or how to flash it? Coby has a firmware update on their site, can I use that? I know to get to the bootscreen I can hold power & home, but since that does not do anything, how do I go about flashing it? I will look up the CFW GingerLF now. Thank you!
I also have an 8024 and had almost the same thing happen after it fell off a chair to the carpet floor a few weeks ago BUT at least it would try to boot. I could not get past the Coby screen so I reloaded the stock ROM Firmware. The tablet would then boot. I still had memory errors and many "force close" errors but I would make it to the Home page. I ended up replacing the internal memory micro-SD card and again reloading stock Firmware. I reloaded several apps and it has worked almost normally. I would start with reloading and stock Firmware and see if the tablet is OK IF YOU CAN. I could get the firmware reload screen to work. I got the firmware from the CobyUSA site.

I also had it boot to the day one screen and found my 4gig External card was at fault. I removed it, cleaned it and put in back in and the tablet booted normally...I replaced the external micro SD card soon after.

My 8024 has been working 'almost' normally for several weeks now after replacing the internal micro SD card...however it seems slower and I get a 'force close or wait' sometimes with apps. I always 'wait' and it always works. I installed 'Cool Tool' a week ago to monitor CPU and Memory. I find that the slow downs are because the CPU is at 100% often for several seconds at a time. I have yet to see what is doing this BUT it is minor as the table and all installed apps work.

Good luck with your 8024.
tribalxgecko how did you make out???

Is there an easy way to test the speed of a micro SD card? (I do still have the original card that I have done nothing with.) Maybe I will just get a Class 10 card and try it...that would be a good test. One problem is that both time I re-flashed firmware my MAC address changed??? I then need to re-register it on 2 different networks at work (done this 3 times now)....IT is getting tired of me changing a MAC address on a personal device at

(Sorry for late reply...been playing with a Kindle
about your MAC address you can try this: ( i cant find the post of lfom its good i have back up :))

[TIP] Fix your MAC address across firmware installs
It was tested with my CFW (GingerLF) but it should work with any CFW for Kyros 7024/8024/1024, like steev's AllDro2 CFW.

1. On your tablet, copy the file /system/wifi/softmac to /sdcard (internal microSD user space) or /extsd (external microSD) using a file manager or adb.
2. Rename it to mac.txt
3. Place mac.txt on the same microSD you use to install the new firmware in the root directory ("/"), the same place where you may see u-boot.bin or utscript

If you have adb, you can do use this command to get mac.txt file on your computer:
adb pull /system/wifi/softmac mac.txt
This will preserve your MAC address of your WiFi interface when installing a new firmware.

edit: found it :)

here well its the same cause i copied those from his post when i first saw his post about this :)
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