LCD Density Question


Feb 6, 2011
Hey, everyone,

I'm still pretty new to alot of the in's and out's of the development side of the Coby so I have not ventured into the options of changing the LCD Density. That being said, I have a question: I found an app (LCD Density) that changes the Density temporarily. It states pretty clearly that the settings will not "survive" reboot but it runs pretty smoothly otherwise.

My question is this: Can temporary changes or apps with Super User access like this one hurt the tablet by changing these settings temporarily instead of permanent changes? I've found the majority of the instructions posted here to be great but some changes are just a little over my head.. if I can continue using this app, great but I certainly don't want to hurt anything. Appreciate the help :)
You won't hurt anything with LCD density Sketch. Watery Kyros changes it pernanently to 200 which is nice not to have to reset ever. Racous

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Appreciate the feedback, Ross. I'm sure that I'll eventually get comfortable enough to try my hand at installing some of the custom ROMs but I'm just taking my time. I appreciate it. :)

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HD is better at 200 and the default is 160 on non-HD tablets. My other HoneyComb tablets are set to 160 if I use 200 they're over blown the 7" 800x480 panel.