Le Pan II


Senior Member
May 21, 2011
I bought my Le Pan TC970 about a week ago at Big Lots for 199.00 Great deal, love it. While checking out the company website LePanTab.com I discovered the Le Pan II. I cannot afford another tablet. the TC970 is plenty good enough. Besides I have a Coby 7024 so my wife and I can share the Le Pan.

I stared at the "one click" purchase button on the amazon website with a trembling finger on the left click button of my wireless mouse........ I pulled the trigger. It's on order but "out of stock" I will be notified when available to ship.


p.s. Sold the coby on craigslist for 130.00
So it looks like anywhere from today until sometime in March. Most likely early January from what I can gather from the posts. Are the upgraded specs worth the wait and the extra 60 bucks?
So it looks like anywhere from today until sometime in March. Most likely early January from what I can gather from the posts. Are the upgraded specs worth the wait and the extra 60 bucks?

Therein lies the rub, man. Something new is always going to be around the corner. To me, the II is worth the wait and the extra 60 beans as I currently don't have a tablet. And the II should be released soon, according to Le Pan.

However, since you already have the I, and it's plenty good enough as you say, then why not keep it and enjoy it?
I'm kind of with the mrmisty. I love all things tech, and I've been looking at all the top end tablets, and even mid end tablets, drooling a bit on my keyboard... Then then I had to ask myself - if I can get a tablet that does everything I need a tablet to do for $162 after shipping and handling (amazon.ca sale), why spend 50 dollars, 100 dollars, 300 dollars (you know, if you want the $162 hardware for three times the price courtesy of Apple), more now or two months from now for something that's a bit better? Save some money on the Le Pan and it will go into some real beastly machine two or three years down the road - if I need it then. More and more, I buy top of the line stuff to find out that it is too much for me - more than I need.

With the Le Pan, I'd worry more about people's valid complaints about the "sleep of death" or the constant need to reset the tablet, or my own woes about using a bluetooth keyboard with it when your natural typing rate is 60+ wpm. Maker sure you have a solid return policy before you buy! If the Le Pan does what you want it to do though, save some money - skip on the Le Pan 2, and that 60 to 80 bucks can go towards the Le Pan III or something else. I am very happy with mine, and if I can get a bluetooth keyboard working on it at 60 WPM, I'll be ridiculously happy with it.

(actually, a fellow has given me some *hugely* helpful information concerning bluetooth keyboards in the thread I created on the subject, and I have to get in there and thank him for it)
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Ok, so as it happens, I got to thinking about the eternal chase and cancelled the II. I went to big lots and picked up a second le pan I for my wife. Now we both have the same machine. They are working great and I'm done
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ok so as it happens. I got to thinking about the eternal chase and cancelled the II i went to big lots and picked up a second le pad for my wife. now e both have the same machine. they are working great and im done

I'm of the same mind - this tablet does everything I need it to, so spending another 100 on something else that is maybe a 20 percent increase in performance and features isn't worth it... as long as we see a custom ROM soon!

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Tapatalk
I'm of the same mind - this tablet does everything I need it to, so spending another 100 on something else that is maybe a 20 percent increase in performance and features isn't worth it... as long as we see a custom ROM soon!

The Le Pan II will use the same Scorpion Dual Core SoC as is used in the HP Touchpad (same screen too, almost the same hardware except upgradeable MicroSD instead of built-in storage). According to Quadrant benchmarks, it's about double the performance. So in benchmarks anyway, the Le Pan II will be a 100% increase in performance. I don't notice the difference in normal usage, but it does play 720p .mkv files smoothly in MX Player with ARM v7 Codec where the Le Pan I won't play them smoothly.
Ok, don't get me started again. I have about 2 weeks left to return the Le Pan I if I decide I need the upgrade.
Meh, the % increase in performance is misleading. It accounts for a huge number of intangibles and incremental things. The computer I have now doesn't play games, movies, music, web browse, word process, whatever, at the 1500% (or whatever stupid number is thrown out there) level it should be if you actually tallied up all the % increases I've been promised over the years. There is a basic point of "does what it wants you to do" and then all the ridiculous numbers are fluff after that. If movie playing seamlessly is an important feature to you (and I think it's pretty damned understandable that it would be), then the Le Pan is probably one to avoid based on what I'm hearing. For me, I haven't tried playing a movie on it yet, so I wouldn't even know...

For me, the Le Pan II or any more meaty table would be a bit of a waste. If you've got two weeks left... Are skip-free videos important to you? Is 60+ WPM typing on a bluetooth keyboard? Think about it. But I find the "XXX% performance increase over previous models" to be more a marketing ploy than a description of what the machine actually does for you. I flip back and forth between my 2005 Toshiba Satellite laptop and my ASUS G73 2011 $2000+ beast gaming laptop frequently, and outside of a few games and negligible loading speed advantages, the ASUS hardly does better than the Toshiba. If I were to look at the benchmarks and supposed % increases, they shouldn't even be on the same planet.
Yeah, other than the 720p .mkv files being smooth, I don't really notice much difference in the two tablets other than the synthetic benchmark in Quadrant is almost double with the dual core Scorpion processor.
This was something my wife and I discussed before buying the Le Pan, and we decided she wouldn't be doing anything on her tablet that would warrant spending $60-70 extra for the dual core processor and faster GPU. So far, it seemed to be the right decision, the Le Pan has run everything she's wanted to run on it.
I ordered mine on 12/27. I already have a le pan 1. It will be interesting to compare them side by side. On paper the le pan II wins hands down. But the 1 is really nice as is.
I am anxious to see reviews on the Le Pan II. I think it will be in some peoples hands as of tomorrow. Mine should arrive on Wednesday. Will Skype work? Will HD video play without freezing and choppiness? will it connect at N speeds on the router? Will Wi Fi connectivity be corrected? Will I be able to put the paper clip back in the drawer? I suspect and am hoping that the beefier internal hardware and sofware specs will better match the awesome look feel and screen of the Le Pan I. We will see soon.
Amazon is out of stock until further notice. I just ordered a Le Pan II from Newegg.
They seem to be the only ones that have them in stock right now.